Negative x negative
What is a positive?
You have this many bones in when you are born but only have 206 when you grow up?
What is 300?
8% of these users are fake
What is Facebook?
Put away your cell phone or I will take it,
___________ _____________.
What is "you decide?"
Name 3 of the four parts of a circle that had to be identified and defined this year.
What are the center, diameter, radii, and radius?
Japan serves this chocolate on pizza
What are Kit Kats?
This type of fruit is grown as 5 sided by Japanese farmers for easier storage.
What is an orange?
Actions speak louder than __________
What is words?
Homework on a Bus, Buying Bananas and Fruits and Veggies all dealt with this concept
What is probability?
When someone misbehaves I say
You know ____________ ________ _________.What is "you know better than that?"
Formula for area of a circle
What is pi x r2?
This many thousand hamburgers are eaten every minute at McDonald's.
What is 4000?
This person invented the macaroni machine.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
When asking for a cap eraser
___________ making _____________
What is stop making mistakes?
The introductory video for scientific notation started in a park in which US city.
What is Chicago?
The first one of these was created to check the status of a coffee pot
What is a webcam?
This animal can eat only when its head is upside down.
What is a flamingo?
When the bell rings to end class Mrs Dysinger's send off is (must get both parts)
What is "have a great day and I will see you all tomorrow?"