What is another name for corn, beans and squash which grew together and were cultivated by Iroquioians?
3 Sisters
Name of the economic policy in place during French rule. It was a huge obstacle to the deveopment of the colony's economy.
The fall or capitulation of this city in 1760 marked the end of New France (they had lost the War of the Conquest) and the start of British rule.
In the mid-1770s, anger was erupting in the 13 Colonies. There was talk of revolution and independence. The British did not want the Canadiens to join the 13 Colonies and revolt against them, so they created a new constitution which made more concessions to Canadiens on religious, political, legal and territorial matters. What was the name of this constitution?
Quebec Act 1774
In 1791 the Province of Quebec was divided into two territories called these.
Upper Canada (today Ontario) and Lower Canada (today Quebec)
Spirituality was an extremely important element of Indigenous culture. They believed that all elements of nature, including humans, animals, plants and non-living elements have a soul. What is this belief called?
Name of the regiment (soldiers) sent to the colony in 1663 to defend settlers against attacks by the Iroquois.
Between 1760 and 1763, Great Britain adopted a provisional (temporary) government because they were awaiting the result of this war (fought in Europe) to determine whether they would get to keep the land they had conquered.
The Seven Years War (1756-1763)
The 13 colonies were furious that the land of the Ohio Valley had been given to the Province of Quebec in 1763 and again in 1774. They were also furious about a series of taxes imposed on them. Add to that other laws that gave less powers to the colony and more power and control to the king and his representatives. What was the term for these injustices?
Intolerable Acts
Once the legislative assembly was allowed, the result was representative government (elected by the people) but not responsible government. The powers of the Assembly were very limited since the governor could do this to any bills passed by the Assembly.
Veto (or vote "no" to block a decision).
This individual, male or female, played an important role in Indigenous spirituality. They were healers of body and mind and intermediaries between the earthly world and the spirit world. They were also interpreters of dreams.
Royal Government replaced the chartered companies as the administrators of New France in 1663. Who were the "Big 3" of the new political structure?
Governor, intendant, bishop/Sovereign Council
What was New France's new name as determined by the Royal Proclamation?
The Province of Quebec
Great Britain did not want its colonies (13 Colonies or Province of Quebec) to trade with other countries. This economic policy, aimed at protecting against foreign competition is called:
In Lower Canada land was divided into seigneuries. In Upper Canada it was divided into these.
This nomadic patriarchal group lived in wigwams in the Canadian Shield Region.
This intendant's birth rate initiatives were more successful than his immigration policies in increasing the population size of New France. It doubled from 3,215 to more than 7,000 between 1665 and 1672.
Jean Talon
What was the goal of the Royal Proclamation of 1763?
To assimilate the Canadiens
In 1775 the Continental Congress (13 Colonies) sent a letter to the Canadiens, asking them to join their cause in gaining independence from Great Britain and forming a new country that would respect their rights. The Canadiens, satisfied with the concessions made by the Quebec Act, chose to remain neutral. Their decision not to interfere in the dispute between the 13 Colonies and Great Britain was also influenced by
The Church - they threated to excommunicate (officially exclude) anyone who might help the American rebels
What financial control, held by the governor, did the Legislative Assembly feel they should control?
The budget (how taxes were spent in the colony).
From 1603-1607, this French settlement in Acadia was led by De Gua de Monts. After this failed colonization attempt, the task of founding a new colony was given to Samuel de Champlain.
Although fur trading remained the main economic activity of New France, Jean Talon promoted agriculture and Gilles Hocquart promoted the ship-building industry. This (ultimately unsuccessful) attempt to change things up is called
Economic diversification
What word describes James Murray's policies toward the Canadiens?
Compromising or conciliatory or he made concessions
In spite of orders from the king he allowed for a Catholic Bishop in the colony hired council members who were sympathetic to the Canadiens, allowed the use of French in small courts
Although the American invasion of the Province of Quebec ultimately failed, on July 4, 1776 the Congress declared this
(Declaration of) Independence from Great Britain - the birth of the United States of America
Louis Joseph Papineau's list of demands for change that had the support of the Parti Partiote, as well as several anglophones was called
92 Resolutions
Trade alliances among Indigenous people doubled as this type of alliance.
War alliances
The purpose of this type of land division was to encourage settlement in New France. It consisted of rectangular plots of land perpendicular to a waterway. Censitaires would pay dues to live there. They were given access to a windmill, pastures for their livestock and a church.
The arrival of what group was responsible for the increase in the number of anglophone colonists of British origin in the Province of Quebec?
The Loyalists who left the 13 Colonies in the 1780s.
In the 13 Colonies, those who supported Independence from Great Britain were called this
Great Britain waited 3 years before sending an official response to the Patriotes' demands. They rejected all of them and countered the demands with these.
Russell's 10 Resolutions/Rejections - giving more power and control of the budget to the appointed Councils (the opposite of the Patriote's demands).
This matriarchal sedentary group lived in the fertile St. Lawrence Valley. They lived in longhouses and practiced agriculture.
What were the three main social and religious functions of the Catholic church in New France?
Evangelization, education/schools, care for the sick/hospitals (and poor)
What was the name of the act that Canadiens had to swear that would force them to renounce their religion, but was obligatory if they wanted to work within the colonial government?
The Test Act (it was abolished and replaced by an oath of allegiance to the king under the Quebec Act of 1774).
Those who did not support independence from Great Britain and who'd fought on the side of the British forces during the war of Independence were called this
Loyalists (many of whom moved to the Province of Quebec)
The Patriotes encouraged the boycott of British imports and held popular assemblies to express their discontent, but ultimately and in spite of the church's opposition (they were against it), they took up arms and fought several battles. Together these were called the
Rebellions of 1837-1838
In exchanges (trade) between Indigenous people, tobacco could be offered by _______________ (this group) in exchange for meat from _______________ (this group).
Tobacco from Iroquois in exchange for meat from Algonquians.
The territorial expansion of New France was directly connected to this economic activity.
Fur trade
In 1755, this group of French-speaking refugees were deported from present day Nova Scotia by British authorities who feared they'd revolt. Many of these refugees migrated (moved) to the 13 Colonies. After 1763, 2000 of these refugees left the Colonies to settle in the Province of Quebec. Who were they?
What was the name of document, signed in 1783, whereby Great Britain officially recognized the independence of the United States?
Treaty of Paris
A British official was sent to the colony to attempt to determine the cause of the rebellions. He felt that they were the result of ethnic conflicts between the Canadiens and British and the absence of true democracy. His name was:
Durham (as in the Durham Report)
This was the first attempt at European colonization since the Vikings. The project was headed by Cartier and De Roberval in 1541 and the settlement was located near Stadacona (modern-day Quebec City)
Cap Rouge Settlement
There were several intercolonial battles (between New France and the 13 Colonies) in the 1750s. In 1758 the British army captured this fortress. It was a catastrophe for New France because the British could now block supplies and reinforcements from overseas (across the Atlantic Ocean) entering the colony via the St. Lawrence River.
Louisbourg (tip of modern day Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia)
Around 1766 the population of the Province of Quebec was 99% francophone and 1% anglophone. By 1790 it was 94% francophone and 6% anglophone. Name an element of continuity.
Francophones continued to be the majority.
The 1783 treaty recognizing the independence of the United States had unfortunate consequences for the Province of Quebec. It took away territory (rich in furs) from the Province of Quebec, and made it part of the territory of the U.S. Where was this territory located?
South of the Great Lakes (see map on p. 160)
In 1840 this constitution was created, resulting in a legislative assembly that was majoritarily British. This would be accomplished by uniting the two Canadas, making Canadiens a minority.
Act of Union