What is perspective taking?
*** triple points
When you can see things from someone else's point of view
What is time management?
A skill that helps you decide what needs to be done versus what you want to do
What are some ways to get involved in Middle School?
True or false: I need to memorize my locker code.
What sports team does Ms. Tuccio coach for the Upper School?
Girls Golf!
What other topic that we have learned about this year is perspective taking like?
What is procrastination?
*** triple points
delaying, pushing back, or not doing something that you should do
What is X period?
Free period, time to get homework done, time to get extra help
When do you keep your locker locked?
What is 1 thing you are going to miss about Lower School?
What is the main difference between perspective taking and empathy?
Empathy- understanding someone else's emotions to a situation (how to help them)
What is something that you can keep in your backpack or on your desk that can help you see your schedule for the week/day?
A planner
True or False:
I can go to the Hornet Shop without an adult in 6th grade
***Double Points
Groot gave his locker combination to Captain America. Did Groot make a good choice?
No! Do not give your locker combination to your friends!
What is 1 thing you are excited about for Middle School?
1 student might be excited or feel prepared for the test because they did their homework last night and understand the math
1 student might be upset or nervous because they haven't done their homework because they don't understand the new math
What are common distractions that make you procrastinate or not get stuff done?
phone/iPad, video games, playing with friends,
Where do you go during break?
Old Gym
Grassy Area
Sports Court
What does it mean to have your lock "butterflied"?
What are the lyrics to the song that reminds us to have a growth mindset?
*** Double Points
Don't Stop Don't Give Up, Keep Trying You'll Get it Right!
The class is doing independent work and some kids are talking really loud. What are two different perspectives from your classmates?
1 student might work well while there is noise and is not affected by the talking
1 student might not work well with the noise and needs more quiet time to focus
What is one strategy that can help you have good time management?
make a to-do list, prioritize task, pay attention to time, helpful-self-talk
Who is the Middle School Counselor?
Mrs. Phillips
What is the pattern to unlock your lock?
***triple points
Spin it to the right 3 times and go to first number, left (1 whole turn) then second number, right again straight to last number
Who was the bully when Mr. Jeff came?