Coping Skills
Size of the Problem
RESPECT values

What is the definition of a coping skill?

Coping skills are things that we can do or use to help ourselves through big emotions or difficult times. They help us to process and regulate our emotions


What did the BEANS in Bully Beans stand for?

Bullies Everywhere Are Now Stopped


Who can take care of a level 1 problem?

You can! A little problem can be handled all on your own, pretty quickly


Give an example of how you can be patient with a classmate OR give an example of when you were patient with a classmate

You can wait until they're done speaking to talk to the teacher, wait until they're finished at their cubby before walking in front of them, be patient in the cafeteria line for lunch...


Why are students like Snowflakes?

Everyone is unique!


True or False: All people use the same coping skills

False -- people may use different coping skills, depending on what works best for them


When you see or know of bullying (either someone bullying you or bullying someone else) who can you go to?

Your teachers, parents, or any adult


Give an example of a level 5 problem

A level 5 problem is any emergency that needs help from a grown up immediately (fire, someone needs to go to the hospital, someone is hurt, there is danger)


What does it mean to have courage?

To be courageous is to be brave. Courage means making good choices when faced with a difficult situation or challenge. It is when we don't let fear hold us back from doing the right thing.


What are 2 qualities (or 2 things) that make someone a good friend?

Loyalty, Support, Trustworthy, Kindness, Shared or common interests, Honesty, Understanding


List 5 coping skills

fidgets, slime, deep breaths, take a walk, talk to a friend or adult, drink water / eat a snack...


What is the difference between teasing and bullying?

Teasing can be annoying, but doesn't happen as often as bullying. Bullying is a repeated behavior that doesn't stop after you ask and can cause someone to get hurt


List 3 adults you can go to with a Level 3, 4, or 5 problem

Ms. Coflin, Ms. Puopolo, your teacher, your parents, any adult nearby


What are some things that make a team successful?

A team is a group of people that can work together successfully if they... cooperate, listen to each other, have patience, are supportive, put in effort


Give an example of what kindness... sounds like, looks like, feels like

For example... kindness can sound like a compliment, look like helping a friend, and feels like a warm hug


Everyone in the group list your favorite coping skill and why



What is the difference between a Bystander and an Upstander?

A bystander stands by and watches the bullying take place, but doesn't do anything to stop it. An upstander will stand up to the bullying and will help to make it stop, protecting the victim


The classmate you are sitting next to keeps tapping their pencil on the desk, making a lot of noise. It's getting difficult to pay attention to what the teacher is saying... what level problem is this?

Maybe a level 1, if it doesn't bother you and you can calm yourself down. 

Most likely: Level 2, you can deal with it on your own (ask your classmate to politely stop, explain that it is distracting).

Could be a Level 3 if you've tried to get them to stop many times before and you need the teacher to step in and help you / you need more help calming down


What is Empathy? 

Empathy is when you're able to understand and care about how someone else is feeling. We can imagine or understand what they're going through or how they feel because we might have shared the same emotions before


What is peer pressure? Give one example

Peer pressure is when someone (or a group of people) give you a hard time or pressure you into acting or being a certain way. They might try and change the things you do, the way you dress, or the way you act. For example, a friend might pressure you into wearing a certain brand of clothing because it's 'cooler'


A student was very angry about the grade they got on a quiz, so they ripped up their paper and stomped out of the classroom. 

What is something else this student could have done to show positive coping skills?

The student could have taken deep breaths, asked their teacher to take a walk / break, used a fidget, ask questions to understand what questions they got wrong from classmates or their teacher, gotten a drink of water...


What are the four main types of bullying?

Verbal, Cyber, Physical, Social


At lunch, you see someone being left out / not included at the lunch table. Other kids are laughing at them, saving seats so they have nowhere to sit, and making unkind comments about them. What level problem is this?

Level 3: This problem would require help from an adult (cafeteria worker or lunch aide) and you should tell an adult about the bullying


What is Self-Esteem? How would you describe it to a friend?

Self-esteem can be either positive or negative. Positive self-esteem is liking and believing in yourself. It helps you to feel confident and good about who you are and what you're capable of. Positive self-esteem helps you to face challenges and try new things. 


Describe what a bubble thought is and share one example

Bubble thoughts are ideas or thoughts that we keep inside our heads (in a bubble) instead of saying out loud, so that we don't hurt someone's feelings or make them uncomfortable. For example "that's an ugly hair cut"
