English & Theater
Chinese language and culture
Math skills and knowledge
The sciences
Individuals and Societies
Know your teachers
Practical life skills

Known as "The Bard," this playwright is responsible for 32 plays and 60% of the suffering in 10th grade English.

Who is Shakespeare?


What is this movie called in English?

Spider-man: Across the Spiderverse


This is the formula for the circumference of a circle.

What is C=2πr?


This is a method of cell reproduction, that has four phases.

What is mitosis?


This is the year the US declared its independence from the UK.

What is 1776?


This teacher was a lawyer before becoming an educator.

Who is Mr. Rubin?


This is the direction you turn a bolt or screw in order to loosen it.

What is to the left?


When mentioning a title in an essay, you format it differently depending on whether it's a short story or full-length novel. How are each formatted?

A short story's title is put in quotation marks, while a novel's title is underlined or italicized.


On your white board, draw this:


What is a picture of a crab?


Pronounce this mathematician's name: Euler.

What is Euler?


This is the acceleration due to free-fall on Earth (to the nearest tenth).

What is 9.8 m/sec2?


These are the three elements of the psyche, according to Freud.

What are the id, the ego, and the superego?


This teacher is working on a Master's program, studying at a school in Vermont.

Who is Lila?


True or false: A person with a concussion should go right to bed and sleep.



Of the two directions, upstage and downstage, the one that will get an actor closer to the audience.

What is downstage?


Write this Chinese proverb in Hanzi:

A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.

What is: 吃一堑,长一智


Quick! Solve for x before anyone else!

x = 7 + 3!

What is 13?


This man pioneered the development of the periodic table of the elements.

Who is Mendeleev?


In business, this is what is meant by "gross income."

What is the total of all income, without regard for expenditure?


This teacher originally planned to study engineering in a small, Pennsylvania college, before moving to California to start teaching something else.

Who is Mr. McCarthy?



All teams will answer by writing a response on their white boards. The team with the best answer will get the points they wager. All other teams will lose the points they wager!

The category is: Now you're cooking

Make your wagers now.

Herbs and spices can make a meal. The winning team will name the most spices...without naming any herbs!



All teams will answer by writing a response on their white boards. The team with the best answer will get the points they wager. All other teams will lose the points they wager!

The category is: Don't disrespect your grammar

Make your wagers now.

There are eight parts of speech. Name as many as you can, without naming something that is not a part of speech.


Translate this Chinese proverb into hanzi:

Masters open the door, you enter by yourself.

What is:



This trigonometric function is defined as the ratio of the hypotenuse to the shorter side of a right triangle.

What is the secant?


There are many organelles in a cell. On your board, write down six.

What are (any six): (1) nucleolus (2) nucleus (3) ribosome (4) vesicle (5) rough endoplasmic reticulum (6) Golgi apparatus (7) cytoskeleton (8) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (9) mitochondria (10) vacuole (11) lysosome (12) centriole.


This financial statement outlines the assets, liabilities, and equity of a firm, at a specific point in time.

What is a balance sheet?


This teacher will sing for everyone's birthday, but won't sing "Happy birthday."

Who is Mr. Rost?


The common household liquid, known scientifically as acetic acid, is excellent at removing rust from metal.

What is vinegar?


This poetic term indicates a pause within a line of poetry.

What is a caesura?


Write the answer to this question on your board (in hanzi)

What is the longest wall in China?

It is the 长城 Great Wall 


What does this formula calculate:

What is the volume of a sphere?


This is the speed of light.

What is:

3 x 108 (299,792,458) m/sec

186,000 miles/sec

1 light year/year


In times of economic woe, this group is the hardest hit.

Who are the farmers?


You might have seen this teacher while watching music videos on YouTube, but when not performing, this teacher might be traveling from a Sahara campground via B-17 bomber.

Who is Mr. Brown?


This substance is used to fill holes in drywall, allowing a person to paint over the hole and present a smooth, unmarred surface.

What is spackle?

Also acceptable: Pollyfilla, and toothpaste!


This term describes the physical structure built on stage for a specific play.

What is a set?


Write the answer on your white board:

Translate this into hanzi: If three walk together, one can be my teacher.

The answer is:



What is the sum of the roots of x4 - 6x3 + 2x - 5 = 0?

What is 6?


The Linnean classification system recognizes these 8 levels of hierarchy. (In order)

What are: Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species?



All teams will answer by writing a response on their white boards. The team with the best answer will get the points they wager. All other teams will lose the points they wager!

The category is: Get Psyched!

Make your wagers now.

Psychiatrists aren't perfect! The winning team will name as many of the factors that influence correct diagnosis as they can, without naming any that are incorrect.


When not cooking while watching Trevor Noah on Youtube, this teacher might be found traveling throughout the world, adding to destinations already discovered in Africa, Europe, and most of Asia.

Who is Liaw laoshi?


Sewing is a useful skill, whether repairing a button or a beltloop. When using a needle and thread, this tool is useful for avoiding pain.

What is a thimble?


Along with protagonist and antagonist, this term describes all the other, more minor, characters.

What are the deuteragonists?


Write on your white board:

Translate this Confucius saying into Hanzi: What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.

The answer is: 



There is a silo in the shape of a cylinder. Grain is added to it at a rate of 3m3/min. This is how fast the radius of the pile of grain is changing.

What is 0m/min (no change)?


From the Chem lab, we have this question:

How many tires are on a mole of cars?

Answer 2.4 x1024 tires.


In business, this is how a product is described when it is sold for a low cost in the hope that consumers will then buy higher-priced products.

What is a loss leader?



All teams will answer by writing a response on their white boards. The team with the best answer will get the points they wager. All other teams will lose the points they wager!

The category is: Teachers abroad

Make your wagers now.

This is not Steward's first teaching job. The winning team will name the most countries where Steward HAS taught, without naming a country where he hasn't taught.


Plus or minus $10, this is how much an average US household can save annually by using coupons when buying groceries.

What is $316?


These are the three categories into which Shakespeare's plays are traditionally divided.

What are comedy, tragedy, and history?


Write on your white boards:

Translate this Confucius saying into Hanzi: Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching.

The answer is:




All teams will answer by writing a response on their white boards. The team with the best answer will get the points they wager. All other teams will lose the points they wager!

The category is: Planar geometry

Make your wagers now.

You have 30 seconds. 

Write the area formulae for as many two-dimensional geometric figures as you can. Label each formula. If you get any wrong, you are out.



All teams will answer by writing a response on their white boards. The team with the best answer will get the points they wager. All other teams will lose the points they wager!

The category is: Know your measurements.

Make your wagers now.

Name as many SI units as you can, labeled correctly by what they measure. Any mistakes (either naming a non-SI unit, or labeling incorrectly) will result in disqualification. For example:

sec = time


In business, this is the term for a Power-Rangers-esque legal cooperation between businesses that enhances values without impinging on independence.

What is a strategic alliance?


This teacher's favorite musical is the 1981 original Broadway cast of Cats.

Who is teacher Maddie?


Everyone should vote! This is the official federal election day in the US.

What is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November?
