Endocrine 1
Endocrine 2
MS 1
Nervous 1
Nervous 2
The s/s of this disease include: cold intolerance, coarse skin and hair, slowed mental processing, wt gain, thick tongue, and decreased activity tolerance
What is Hypothyroidism
The s/s of this disease include: moonface, truncal obesity, purple-red striae, hirsutism, and bruising
What is Hypercortisolism (Cushing’s)
Osteoarthritis is caused by
What is Joint over usage.
Name 4 nursing actions essential when a client has a seizure
What is time & description of event, protect client, turn on side, maintain airway, and guide body movements
First thing to assess in ahead injury
What is LOC level of concious. WHy?
Following a thyroidectomy, the be placed in a semi-Fowler’s position to decrease
What is Reduce tension on suture line
Clients with bilateral adrenalectomy will need this med for their entire lives
What is Steroid therapy
Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
What is Limited ROM and Crepitus with movement
This med should be administered IV when seizures are prolonged
What is Diazepam (Valium)
Causes of autonomic dysreflexia
What is a distended bladder a blocked catheter urinary retention a urinary tract infection bladder stones constipation a bowel impaction hemorrhoids skin irritations pressure sores tight clothing
The s/s of this disease include: exothalmus, fatigue, weakness, heat intolerance, mood instability, and hyperactive reflexes
What is hyperthyroidism
This disorder is caused by a catecholamine-producing tumor and diagnostic tests include a 24hr VMA
What is Pheochromocytoma
Decrease Bone Density
What is Osteoporosis
Name 3 essential nursing interventions to carry out “seizure precautions” siderail up and poss. padded, capped IV, suction/oxygen available
What is Number one thing is to turn the patient on his sign to maintain a open airway, side-rail up and poss. padded, capped IV, suction/oxygen available
Treatment for Autonomic Dysreflexia
What is moving you into sitting position to cause the blood to flow to your feet removing tight clothes and socks checking for a blocked catheter draining a distended bladder with a catheter removing any other potential triggers, such as drafts of air blowing on you or objects touching you skin treating you for fecal impaction administering vasodilators or other drugs to bring your blood pressure under control
This condition causes and increased sensitivity to opioids and tranquilizers
What is Hypothyroidism
Name 4 effects that cortisol has on the body
What is CHO, protein, fat metabolism Body’s response to stress Emotional stability Immune function
After a HIP replacement intervention
What is abducted position using pillows, For the client with a total hip replacement, prevent hip flexion of greater than 90 degrees or adduction of the affected leg. Provide a seat riser for the toilet or commode. These measures prevent dislocation of the joint Perform neurovascular checks (color, temperature, pulses and capillary refill, movement, and sensation) on the affected limb hourly for the first 12 to 24 hours, then every 2 to 4 hours. Report abnormal findings to the physician immediately
5 areas included in a neurological assessment
What is LOC, cognitive function, motor function, sensory function, and cranial nerve intactness
Name 4 changes that characterize Alzheimer’s disease
What is loss of memory and judgment and visuospatial perception, and personality changes
In primary hypothyroidism, the T3, T4, and TSH levels are expected to
What is T3 and T4 decreased TSH increased
This medication is given to treat hypothyroidism and is especially important to start at lowest dose if client has known cardiac problems
What is Thyroid Replacement (synthroid)
What test are used to diagnose Osteoporosis
What is Bone Density:Dual X-ray absorptiometry -- also called DXA or DEXA.
In Brain or Cord injury what medication is given
What is methylprednisolone (Solu Medrol) is given for this affect Anti-inflammatory (decrease cerebral or cord edema thereby minimizing ischemia)
Strategies to assist with Alzheimer patients
What is 1. Follow same routine 2. Schedule rest periods 3. install alarm on chairs, windows, and doors 4.Create an environment that protects the individual from injury, especially from falls and wandering. Install locks and alarms around the exits of the home. Provide barriers to dangerous stairs, improve poor lighting, and remove floor rugs. 24-hour will eventually be necessary as the disease progresses