Are there different types of black holes?
Are there nuclear reactions going on in our bodies?
Yes, there are nuclear reactions constantly occurring in our bodies.
Can momentum be hidden to human eyes like how kinetic energy can be hidden as heat?
Yes and no.
Can humans ever directly see a photon?
Yes. In fact, photons are the only thing that humans can directly see.
Can you go fast enough to get enough mass to become a black hole?
An object can never be turned into a black hole.
Do blind people dream in visual images?
The answer isn't a simple yes or no. Some blind people see full visual scenes while they dream, like sighted people do. Others see some visual images but not robust scenes.
Is a black hole a 2D or a 3D object?
It is a four-dimensional object.
How can we unlock the 90% of our brain that we never use?
By taking a medication or supplement.
Is ionizing radiation always harmful?
if the radiation dose is low and/or it is delivered over a long period of time (low dose rate), the risk is substantially low because there is a greater likelihood of repairing the damage.
How do 5G cell phone signals harm humans?
Based on the available scientific evidence, there are no health risks from exposure to the low levels of radiofrequency EMF.