Understanding Energy Conservation
Daily Activities
Body Mechanics
Home Environment
Rest and Recovery

What is energy conservation?

The practice of reducing physical effort to preserve energy for essential activities.


What is one way to conserve energy while getting dressed?

Sit down while dressing to minimize energy expenditure.


Why is proper posture important in energy conservation?

Proper posture reduces strain on muscles, conserving energy.


How can you arrange your home to conserve energy?

Keep frequently used items within easy reach to avoid unnecessary movements.


Why is rest important in energy conservation?

Rest helps recharge the body, making it easier to complete daily activities without overexertion.


Why is energy conservation important for patients with chronic illnesses?

It helps patients manage fatigue, improve quality of life, and maintain independence.


How can you conserve energy while cooking?

Prepare meals in batches or use simple recipes to minimize time and effort.


What is the best way to lift objects to avoid using too much energy?

Bend at the knees, not the waist, and hold objects close to your body.


What type of furniture is best for energy conservation?

Supportive, ergonomic furniture that promotes good posture and reduces strain


What is the 20-20-20 rule, and how does it help with energy conservation?

Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. This helps reduce eye strain and mental fatigue.


Name one benefit of planning activities ahead of time.

It helps prioritize important tasks, reducing the chance of overexertion.


What can be done to make bathing easier?

Use a shower chair and handheld showerhead to reduce the need for standing and bending.


How can you reduce energy use while standing for long periods?

Shift weight from one foot to the other or use a footstool to alternate feet.


How does adequate lighting contribute to energy conservation?

Proper lighting reduces the need for straining your eyes, making tasks easier and less tiring.


How can taking short naps throughout the day help?

Short naps can recharge your energy levels without affecting nighttime sleep, helping you stay active.


What is pacing and why is it useful?

Pacing involves breaking tasks into smaller steps and taking breaks to avoid exhaustion.


How should you approach grocery shopping to conserve energy?

Make a list, shop during less busy times, and consider using a delivery service.


What is the safest way to push or pull heavy objects?

Use your legs and keep your back straight to conserve energy and prevent injury.


What can you do to your home to make moving around easier?

Remove obstacles and clutter to create clear pathways, reducing the effort needed to navigate.


What role does deep breathing play in conserving energy?

Deep breathing helps relax the body and reduce stress, conserving energy.


How does energy conservation impact mental health?

It reduces stress and anxiety by helping patients manage their energy levels and avoid burnout.


How can you conserve energy when cleaning the house?

Clean one room at a time, take breaks, and use long-handled tools to avoid bending.


How does using assistive devices (e.g., walkers, canes) help conserve energy?

They provide stability and reduce the energy needed to move, preventing falls and overexertion.


How can you make your bedroom more conducive to energy conservation?

Use a supportive mattress, arrange essentials within arm's reach, and ensure the room is conducive to restful sleep.


How can progressive muscle relaxation help with energy conservation?

It reduces muscle tension and promotes relaxation, helping conserve energy for daily activities.
