Goal: Meal Plan
It helps to reduce food waste and energy use.
Goal: Unplug Devices
It reduces phantom energy and saves electricity.
Goal: Use public transportation
It reduces greenhouse gas emissions by allowing multiple people to travel together in one vehicle.
Goal: Maintain your ovens and stoves (Clean and replace worn out parts)
This helps to enhance their performance and energy efficiency.
Goal: Clean out your fridge
Your fridge needs some free space on the back side to operate at optimal efficiency. Overcrowding can also block adequate overflow.
Goal: Turn off lights whenever you leave a room
When a light is off, it draws zero power from the electrical grid.
Goal: Cover pots and pans with lids
This traps the heat, speeds up the cooking process, and reduces the energy consumption.
Goal: Cover windows in the summer
This prevents heating from direct sunlight and helps cool your home without making your air conditioning run longer.
Goal 9: Use a clothesline to dry your clothes.
It saves energy and prolongs your garments.