What is the RER for 1 mol FFA
What does your metabolic rate represent?
the rate that energy is used by the body
VO2 is ______ to body size
O2 demand (</>) O2 consumption in early recovery?
Less than
What is the benefit of having a higher lactate threshold?
better endurance performance
Do we need more O2 to oxidize CHO or fat?
What does your basal metabolic rate represent
Rate of energy expenditure at rest, the minimum energy required for living
What RER value is closest to a VO2 max
RER of 1.0 is closer to a VO2 max; the body has a greater reliance on CHO for fuel which occurs at high exercise intensities near maximal oxygen uptake
O2 demand is (</>) O2 consumption in early exercise
greater than
How long can you work at LT?
30-60 mins
40% of substrate energy produces what?
ATP; the other 60% goes to heat
What does MET stand for? What is one MET equal to?
Metabolic equivalent of Task
1 MET = 3.5mL/kg/min
What is a VO2 max?
the point at which O2 consumption doesn't increase with increasing intensity
During early exercise, (anaerobic or aerobic) pathways are used for ATP production
What is the point in which lactate production rate > lactate clearance rate
The Lactate Threshold
How do you measure indirect calorimetry?
How is total energy expenditure calculated?
TEE= REE * activity level
What is steady-state O2 consumption?
When O2 consumption = O2 demand during exercise
What do buffers do?
Minimize drastic changes in cell pH
What ratio does RER represent
CO2 production/ O2 usage : VCO2/VO2
What is the equation to convert METs to Kcals?
METs * 3.5mL/kg/min * BW(kg)/200 = Kcal/min
Indirect calorimetry only accurately measures this type of metabolism
Oxidative metabolism
What two factors are used to estimate anaerobic effort?
Excess postexercise O2 consumption and lactate threshold
What is acidosis?
When lactic acid (H+) accumulation causes muscle pH to decrease