Fitness Components
Energy Systems
Principles of Training and Training Methods
The Theory of periodisation
Training programs and sessions

What is Power? 

Power – the ability to exert maximum force in the shortest amount of time


Name the 3 nutrients found in all foods

carbohydrates, protein, fats


what are two types of continuous training?  

long slow distance training and tempo training


define the term peak

an optimal state of athlete readiness aimed at the highest possible level of performance


What is heart rate recovery? 

Heart rate recovery is the measure of time it takes for the heart to return to normal resting levels.

Name the 7 fitness components 

aerobic capacity, power, muscular strength, speed, agility, muscular endurance, flexibility 


What are the two types of carbohydrates? Give an example of each

simple carbs - sugar 

complex carbs - breads, grains, vegetables 


What are the 6 principles of training? 

Frequency, specificity, duration, progressive overload, variety, individuality 


During the competition phase what should happen with intensity and work volume? 

intensity - increases

work volume - decreases


Changes that occur immediately when athlete trains are known as?  

acute physiological adaptations


What are 3 reasons for measuring and testing the components of fitness? 

1. So that a personalised training strategy can be developed and implemented with the goal of improving the ability of an athlete to perform a specific physical activity.

2. It provides accurate information about an athlete’s development and level of fitness over time. Fitness tests can also highlight where improvements have been made or where deterioration has occurred.

3. These tests help to identify if any changes in fitness levels have taken place over the course of a training session or training program. 

Define the term lactate threshold

the point at which lactic acid begins to accumulate in the muscles at a faster rate that is can be removed


name the 6 training methods

continuous, fartlek, resistance, interval, flexibility, circuit 


What should occur in the preparatory phase? (3 points)

athlete should increase their general level of fitness, build general strength, build general flexibility, prevent excessive weight gain, build a base of aerobic fitness


Each macrocycle is made up of what four training phases?

Preparatory phase, pre-competition phase, competition phase, transition phase 


Name 2 fitness tests used to test aerobic capacity.

the multi-stage fitness test (also known as beep tests) 

the Astrand-Rhyming cycle ergometer test – a submaximal cycle ergometer

Cooper’s 12 minute run – a test that requires an athlete to run as far as possible in 12 minutes and can be used to predict VO2 max

the step test – a test designed to measure an athlete’s aerobic fitness by stepping up and down a step for three minutes.


Give the energy yield for 1g of carbs, proteins and fats

carbs - 16kJ

protein - 17kJ

fats - 37kJ


what is the difference between isotonic and isometric resistance training? 

give an example of each 

isotonic - dynamic resistance - constant resistance - squats 

isometric - static resistance - muscles do not shorten or lengthen - bridge


What are the 4 phases of a RAMP warm up?






What information must be supplied in the conditioning phase of training? (5 points)

fitness components being developed, training method used, intensity, W:R ratio, number of reps


name 2 fitness tests use to test agility and 2 fitness tests used to test muscular endurance 

agility - figure 8, illinois agility test, shuttle run test

strength - push up test, sit up test, pull up test


Name the 4 training zones - giving the HR Range for each zone

recovery training zone - 65% MHR

aerobic training zone - 60 - 80% MHR

lactate threshold zone - 80 -85% MHR

anaerobic training zone - greater than 85% MHR


What is the work: rest ratio for interval training working on the lactic acid system? 

1:2 or 1:3


Why would an athlete have a annual plan consiting of more than 1 macrocyle? 

If they have a number of races or peak performance events during the year they will have more than 1 macrocycle. If an athlete is professional in multiple sports 


What is the difference between intra-session recovery and inter-session recovery?

intra - recovery that takes place within a single training session 

inter - the recovery that take place between sessions 
