_____________ are organisms that make their own food.
What are producers or autotrophs
Omnivore AND an example
What is an organism that eats both plants and animals
Ex: Opossum or the like
Give an example of a decomposer.
bacteria, fungi, etc.
What do the arrows in food webs point to?
The arrows point to the higher level organism, the one that is doing the eating/consuming
What do all food chains and food webs begin with?
What is an organism called that gets energy by eating other animals?
Another name for a consumer
What is heterotroph?
What is the name of the first animal in a food chain?
Primary consumer
Give an example for each: herbivore, omnivore, and carnivore
herbivore - mouse
omnivore - rabbit
carnivore - owl
Create a food chain with the following organisms--ending with the detrivore. Remember there is 1 critter in here that is a detrivore.
worm, grass, lion, sun, zebra, hyena
sun --> grass--> zebra--> hyena or lion --> worm
Be sure to have arrows!!
An organism that eats producers like grasses; plants; algae
How do autotrophs deep in the ocean (where there's no light) obtain their nutrients, if they can't use photosynthesis?
If stuck, just tell me what they're called
They use chemosynthesis; from bacteria living in the giant tube worms; fixing H2S from nearby hydrothermal vents in the ocean floor
What is the name of the second animal in a food chain that eats the primary consumer?
Secondary Consumer
Name a primary consumer, secondary consumer, and a tertiary consumer
Primary- mouse
Secondary - snake
Tertiary - owl
There wouldn't be enough energy for the top level because of the the 90% loss at each level.
A carnivore
What is a plant or animal which eats meat (flesh)
What is the name of the highest animal in the food chain? (typically referred to as "top of the food chain")
Apex predator
What is the name of the consumer which is 1 step higher than a secondary consumer?
Tertiary consumer
What would happen if a plant or animal was taken out of the food web?
If the predator was removed, its prey would overpopulate, causing problems below them in the food chain/web
If there were more predators, then problems would also occur due to overcompetition and this may drive their prey's numbers way down
Definte biomagnification in your own words
The process where a compound (like a pesticide or pollutant) increases in concentration as it moves up the food chain/web
An omnivore
What is an organism that eats both plants and animals
A simplified, linear way to illustrate how organisms get their energy/food from.
grass→deer →grey wolf
What are food chains
Give an example of a destrivore in a food chain.
snail, vulture, worm, etc
interconnecting food chains in an ecological community; shows how more than one animal feeds upon a producer and how energy is passed through organisms (overlapping food chains)
What are food webs
Definte bioaccumulation in your own words
The buildup (accumulation) of a substance in an organism over time, where the organism absorbs it faster than it can break it down