Burning a candle.
Chemical energy -> heat energy + light energy
Name one way you can reduce air leaks in your home.
Caulking, Foam/Fiberglass insulation.
What is the process of saving up or storing energy?
Potential energy.
Using a hot plate to boil water.
Electrical energy -> heat energy
From our in class experiment, is metal a good conductor of heat or a good insulator?
Good conductor.
Using a solar-powered calculator.
Radiant energy -> electrical energy ->light energy
Name one way you can conserve energy in your home.
Energy efficient appliances, etc.
A solar panel on the roof of a building used to heat and cool the building.
Radiant energy -> electrical energy
Name one way to prevent the heat from the sun from entering your house on a hot, summer day.
Solar screens on your windows, black-out curtains (closed).