Energy Laws
Multiple Choice
"Phun" Facts
The energy due to the motion of a mass
What is Kinetic Energy?
This law states energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
What is Conservation?
Station 3 - This is how energy is transformed when the light source causes the thermometer temperature to increase.
What is Radiant Energy (Light) to Thermal Energy?
A 5 kg rock and a 10 kg rock are dropped from a height of 10 m. Which of the following statements describes what happens to the potential energy of the rocks? A. Neither rock loses potential energy because no work is done on the rocks. B. The 10 kg rock loses more potential energy than the 5 kg rock because the 10 kg rock has more mass. C. The 10 kg rock loses more potential energy than the 5 kg rock because the 10 kg rock falls faster. D. Both rocks lose the same amount of potential energy because they fall from the same height.
What is B, it has more PE because it has more mass?
This is one way to make your home more energy efficient or to help conserve power?
What are double-paned windows? Turning off lights or water? Solar panels?
The energy due to the internal vibration or movements of atoms in a substance. Also known as heat.
What is Thermal Energy?
This law states that all physical events involve transferring energy.
What is Transformation?
Station One - When a ball is dropped from your hand to the ground, how is energy transformed?
What is Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy?
A cart at the top of a hill is released and rolls down the hill. Which of the following describes the energy of the cart just as it reaches the bottom of the hill? A. The cart has no energy. B. The cart has maximum kinetic energy. C. The cart has maximum gravitational potential energy. D. The cart has equal gravitational potential and kinetic energy.
What is B, maximum kinetic energy?
This is the theory that some scientists think caused the creation of all energy.
What is The Big Bang Theory?
The energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules. Gas coal are examples.
What is Chemical Energy?
This law states that energy is always more spread out during conversions.
What is Entropy?
Station 2 - When baking soda and vinegar are mixed how is energy being tranformed in the plastic bag?
What is Chemical Energy to Thermal Energy?
Which of the following increases when a metal spring is stretched horizontally? A. potential energy B. kinetic energy C. gravitational energy D. electrical energy
What is A, potential energy?
This is the mathematical equation for Gravitational Potential Energy.
What is mgh?
The energy of a force acting on an object to cause a displacement.
What is Work?
This is how energy comes from the sun to let me shake a jar of sand. Explain the law and how it is applied to make humans move.
What is Transformation? Energy goes from Radiant Energy to Chemical Energy to Kinetic Energy (the human moving).
Station 5 - This is the effect of thermal energy on glowsticks (two options).
What is hot water makes the glowstick brighter? What is cold water makes the glowstick more dull?
The diagram below shows the path of a student on a sled starting from rest at point W. The student slides down a frictionless, snow-covered hill past point Z, which is at ground level. Which of the following statements best describes the energy of the student and sled from point W to point Z? A. The total energy at point W is less than at point Z. B. The total energy at point W is greater than at point Z. C. The potential energy at point W becomes all kinetic energy at point Z. D. The kinetic energy at point W becomes all potential energy at point Z.
What is C? The potential energy becomes kinetic energy.
These are three forms of energy that are associated with the creation of electrical energy from a waterfall.
What are Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, and Motion/Kinetic Energy?
The energy due to the movement of electrons.
What is Electrical Energy?
This is why the bouncy ball doesn't come back up to my hand when I drop it on the floor. Explain your reasoning.
What is Entropy? Energy is lost to heat/friction/the ground.
Station 6 - At this station, Duracell causes me to loss my direction. This is the energy transformation that causes this.
What is an Electrical Energy to Radiant (Magnetic) Energy transformation?
Which of the following is the best example of work being done on an object? A. holding a 50 kg barbell B. lifting a bag of groceries C. keeping a board in place D. pushing on a car that will not move
What is B, lifting a bag of groceries takes a force and a displacement.
This is the name of the planet that may have hit the earth, resulting in the formation of the moon.
What is Theia?