What do we use metabolism for?
Convert food into energy (catabolism), build/repair tissues and molecules (anabolism)
How does ATP turn into ADP
Hydrolysis of its phosphate group. ATP + H2O --> ADP + Pi + energy
What process is the breaking of glucose into pyruvate?
glycolysis, occurs in the cytoplasm
This is the name of the process in the aerobic system where glucose is completely broken down into CO2 and H2O
Aerobic respiration
This term describes the breakdown of glycogen into glucose for energy production during exercise
Differences between anabolism and catabolism?
anabolism: adding of the particles to increase energy
catabolism: breaking of the particles to release energy
Difference between phosphorylation and dephosphorylation
phosphorylation: addition of a phosphate group to a molecule
dephosphorylation: removal of a phosphate group
How much ATP is made during aerobic respiration and how much ATP is made during anaerobic respiration
aerobic respiration: 36-38 ATP
anaerobic respiration: 2 ATP per glucose molecules
Name the product by anaerobic respiration in humans that makes us feel tired
lactic acid (3H6O3)
This molecule is the primary energy carrier used by all cells in the body
What is the difference between glycogenesis and glycogenolysis?
glycogenesis: forming glycogen from glucose for storage
glycogenolysis: breakdown of glycogen back to glucose to supply energy
How does the use of glycogen different between the liver and muscles?
Liver maintains blood glucose levels. Muscle provides glucose for muscle contraction.
How long does the APT/PC system last and for what intensity is it used for
<10 + very high intensity
How long does the lactic acid system last and for what intensity is it used for
lasts 30 seconds - 2 minutes. Provides energy for high intensity activities.
How long does the aerobic system last and for what intensity is it used for
Can last for hours if oxygen and glucose or fat are available. Used for low-moderate intensity activities.
What is the chemical formula for aerobic respiration?
C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2O + ATP
The aerobic system becomes the dominant energy provider after this time period of sustained activity
The aerobic system can also use this type of molecules, stored in adipose tissue, for energy production
lipids (or fats)
What does insulin and glucagon do
insulin: absorbs sugar from blood into cells
glucagon: releases glucose from liver into blood
During fasting the body releases hormones that promote the breakdown of glycogen to replenish glucose in the body, what is the process called?
Explain the process that happens inside the mitochondria that makes energy
the glucose goes through the kreb cycle and the ETC
How much ATP is made by a lypid
How do lipids turn their fatty acids into ATP
Via beta-oxidation, the kreb cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
What does GLUT 1 do?
to transport glucose through transmitters into the cell one at a time.
Goes from high concentration to low concentration.
How does GLUT 4 work
Insulin opens the transporters then a bunch of glucose enters when it has enough insulin leaves and the transporters closes