conservation of energy
spring potential energy
wild card
Identify one form of energy that the elastic potential energy of the spring is converted to when a spring toy pops.
What is kinetic energy or gravitational potential energy?
Find the spring constant if a toy is pressed with a force of 12 N a distance of 0.070 meters
What is 171 N/M?
A motor does a total of 480 J of work in 5 seconds to lift a 12 kg block to the top of a ramp. The average power developed is?
What is 96W?
A 0.0600 kg ball traveling at 60 m/s hits a concrete wall. What speed must a 0.0100 kg bullet have to hit the wall with the same momentum
What is 360 m/s?
where all energy goes to die
What is heat, friction, sound or Q (internal energy)?
This happens to the mechanical energy on a friction-less track of a roller coaster.
What is remains the same?
If you do 0.20 J of work on a spring toy with a mass of .010 kg, what is the maximum height it can reach.
What is 2.0 m?
What is the power output of an electric motor that lifts a 2 kg block 15 m high in 6 s?
What is 49W?
a 1.5 kg cart moves at 2 m/s, it was brought to rest by a constant net force in 0.3 s, what is the net force?
What is 10N?
In a baseball game, a batter hits a ball for a home run. Compared to the ball, the magnitude of the impulse imparted to the bat is?
What is the same?
What type of energy will increase as a roller coaster moves up a hill?
What is potential energy?
Cart A has a mass of 2kg, cart B has a mass of 1kg, a string holds the carts together. The sting is cut and the carts move apart. Compared to the force the spring exerts on cart A the force the spring exerts on cart B is?
What is the same but opposite in direction?
A 15kg mass is moving 7.5 m/s what is the total work that must be done to increase the speed to 11.5 m/s?
What is 570J?
A 1.0 kg laboratory cart moving with a velocity of .50 m/s due east collides with and sticks to a similar cart initially at rest. After the collision, the two carts move off together with a velocity of 0.25 m/s due east. The total momentum of the frictionless system is
What is the same before and after the collision?
A book of mass m falls freely from rest to the floor from the top of a desk of height h. What is the speed of the book upon striking the floor?
What is the square root of 2gh?
A child starting from rest at the top of a playground slide reaches a speed of 7 m/s at the bottom of the slide. What is the vertical height of the slide?
What is 2.5m?
Calculate the PE energy of a spring toy with a spring constant (k) of 170 N/m that is compressed a distance of 0.70 m
What is .42 J?
how much work is required to lift 10 N from 4 meters to 40 meters?
What is 360J?
A 1200 kg car traveling 10 m/s hits a tree and is brought to rest in 0.1 s, what is the average force acting on the car to bring it to rest?
What is 120000 N?
The kinetic energy of a 55kg skier traveling at 9 m/s
What is 2200 J?
A wound spring provides the energy to propel a toy car across a level floor. At time ti the car is moving at speed vi, across the floor and the spring is unwinding. At time tf the car has coasted to a stop. Describe the transformation of energy.
What is both the potential energy and kinetic energy is converted to the internal energy at tf?
What equations would you use to calculate the spring constant of a toy when you have the mass and the x?
What is GPE and EPE or mgh=1/2 kx^2?
Dylan with a mass of 55 kg climbed the stairs in 4.8s, and Will with a mass of 65kg climbed the stairs in 5.6 s, who generated the most power? Assuming they climbed the same stairs. This is not actual events any relation to actual events is coincidental?
Who is Will?
0.025 kg bullet is fired from a rifle by an unbalanced force of 200 N, if the force acts on the bullet for .1s what is the maximum speed attained by the bullet?
What is 800 m/s?
Two objects, A and B, are held one meter above the horizontal ground. The mass of B is twice the mass of A. If the PE is the GPE of A, then the GPE of B is?
What is 2PE?