Cause and Effect
Motion and Energy
Energy Transfer

Define energy

Energy is the ability to do work.


Which word or phrase tells you that this is a cause and effect relationship?

Because the sun was hot, the ice cream was melting.



Define position

Position is an object's location.


Define energy transfer.  Use the definition that would apply when you turn on a light bulb. 

An energy transfer is the movement of energy from one place to another place.


Define collision

A collision happens when one object comes into contact with another object. 


As Felix rides his bicycle down the hill, is (a) kinetic energy changing to potential energy, (b) electrical energy changing to kinetic energy, (c) potential energy changing to kinetic energy, or (d) kinetic energy changing to electrical energy?

(c) potential energy is changing to kinetic energy


What is the effect in this event?

Energy moves from domino to domino, so the dominoes fall.

The effect is

"the dominoes fall."


Define motion

Motion is a change in an object's position.


Define energy transfer.  Use the definition that would apply when electrical energy changes to into light energy.

Energy transfer is the change in energy from one form to another form.


In a collision between a moving van and a parked car

(a) what happens to the van before the collision and 

(b) what happens to the car before the collision?

The van has kinetic energy and is moving toward the car.  The car has potential energy because it has stopped.


Define potential energy.

Potential energy is stored energy.


What is the cause of this statement?

The first domino falls as a result of the potential energy changing to kinetic energy.

The cause is

"the potential energy changing to kinetic energy"


How does the weight of an object affect the object's kinetic energy?

Heavier objects have more kinetic energy.


The electricity goes out and you turn on a lantern. Explain (2) energy transfers that happen. 

(1) The electrical energy moves from the battery to the lantern bulb

(2) The electrical energy changes into light energy


In a collision between a moving van and a parked car, what happens during the collision?

The car receives kinetic energy from the van.  This is an energy transfer.


Define kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy that an object has due to its motion.


What is the effect in this statement?

Some potential energy is stored in the domino due to lifting the domino and standing it upright.

The effect is

"Some potential energy is stored in the domino"


What needs to happen for motion to occur?

The applied force needs to be greater than the forces of gravity and friction.


A drone is flying. Explain two of the three different energy transfers that happen.

(1) electrical energy from the drone battery moves to the drone motor.

(2) electrical energy changes into kinetic energy as the drone flies

(3) electrical energy changes into sound energy


In a collision between a moving van and a parked car, what happens after the collision? 

The motion of the van slows down then stops. The energy transfer of kinetic energy makes the stopped car move a short distance.


Complete this quote from Albert Einstein

"Energy cannot be created or _________ . It can only be  ________ from one form to another."

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  It can only be changed from one form to another.


Name 4 of the 6 words/phrases that signal a cause and effect relationship in a sentence.

because, since, so, 

as a result, due to, therefore


Define speed.

Speed is the measurement of how fast an object's position changed in a given amount of time. 


There are a line of dominoes on the table and you give the first one a push.  Explain 3 different energy transfers that will occur.

(1) potential energy changes to kinetic energy

(2) kinetic energy transfers from one domino to the next

(3) some kinetic energy changes into sound energy


In a collision between a van and a stopped car, how do you know there is an energy transfer?

You know there is an energy transfer because the motion of both vehicles changes.  The van in motion slows down and the parked car starts to move.
