Energy Conversions
Sources of Energy
Collisions and More!
You have the following materials. Which are needed to build a lightbulb? Battery, Light Bulb, Cotton String, Copper Wire
Copper Wire, Battery, Light Bulb
Water turning a wheel is an example of what type of energy conversion?
Potential/Stored to Kinetic.
Name a renewable energy source.
Water, wind, solar, geothermal, etc.
Will and Kate both rolled a ball of equal mass from the same starting point. Will's ball went 2 cm further than Kate's. Who rolled the ball faster and how do you know?
Will because his went further.
In your lightbulb experiment, what evidence did you see of electrical energy being converted into light energy?
The light bulb lit up.
A light coming on when a switch is flipped is an example of what kind of energy conversion?
Electrical to Light.
Name a nonrenewable energy source.
Coal, Natural Gas, Oil.
Tom and Joe each rolled a ball of equal mass from the same starting point. Joe's ball went 3 cm shorter than Tom. Who's ball had more energy and how do you know?
Tom's because his went further.
Which of the following is/are conductors of electricity? A coin, rubber band, toothpick, metal fork.
The coin and metal fork.
Solar panels charging a car is an example of what kind of energy conversion?
Light energy to electricity.
What is a synonym for renewable? Hint: Starts with an S.
Tonya is pushing a grocery cart along a level aisle in Walmart. Her mom puts 3 gallons of milk into the grocery cart. What will happen to the movement of the cart?
The cart will slow down.
In our electricity conductor experiment, what was the independent variable? Hint: What did we change?
The material/item. For example-rubber band, golf tee, etc.
A car battery allowing a car to move is an example of what kind of energy conversion?
Electric to mechanical/kinetic.
Name one positive and one negative impact of using Wind Turbines to create electrical energy.
Answers vary but could include: Positive: It is renewable. Negative: It destroys land to build them.
Two students rolled tennis balls into each other. What 3 things do you need to know in order to predict how far the balls might move when they collide.
Speed, distance, mass.
In our electricity conductor experiment, what was the dependent variable? Hint:What were we testing?
The ability to conduct electricity/light up the bulb.
When you turn on a fan, what evidence of electrical energy being converted to mechanical/kinetic energy do you see?
The fan moves.
What is the benefit of using renewable resources instead of nonrenewable resources?
Renewable resources don't ever run out, so we can use them over and over. Non renewable resources run out, so once it is used up, there isn't any more!
You are given a light bulb, battery, and wires. Draw a picture of how you might set up the materials to create a working circuit.
The wires should come from opposite ends of the battery and touch the bottom of the light bulb.