Sensical Sentences
Symbols, Symbols, Symbols
Comma'n Now

A group of words that consists of at least a subject and a predicate. May be the main or subordinate. 

What is a clause?


The symbol that connects two independent clauses without a conjunction. Could be used to fix this sentence: Team A thought they had the answer team B found it faster. 

What is a semicolon?


The symbol needed after introductory information (ex. For the first time......)

What is a comma?


A phrase used to attribute quoted, paraphrased, or sourced material. (ex. He asserts, she argues, they found)

What is a signal phrase?


The symbol needed to introduce a list. 

What is a colon? (Ex. She had a few favorite classes: anthropology, communication, and composition.)


The reason for commas in the following sentence: The students, who were all new to college, triple-checked their papers before turning them in. 

What is nonessential information?


The problem in this sentence: She looked at her screen nothing would come out. 

What is a fused sentence? (can be amended with a semicolon, a transition, a coordinating conjunction, subordinating word, or by making it two sentences)


Independent clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb (however, therefore, moreover) still needs this symbol. The symbol missing in here: I needed more time to work on my paper therefore, I cut back on my doomscrolling.

A semicolon. 

I needed more time to work on my paper; therefore, I cut back on my doomscrolling.


The error in this sentence. The papers were due Sunday, students were almost prepared. 

What is a comma splice? (can be amended with a semicolon, a transition, a coordinating conjunction, subordinating word, or by making it two sentences)


The name for the problem with this sentence. Because the students did the reading is why their grades improved. 

What is a mixed construction? (Can be fixed by eliminating 'is why' so there is a main clause and a subordinate clause)


The symbol needed at the end of a complete statement to introduce a question.

A colon. 

It comes down to this: Did the game help the students learn?


The problem with the second sentence: The show was awful. Singer late, out of tune, and rude.  

What is a fragment?
