This is the color of Gatsby's car.
This is the location where Gatsby and Daisy finally reunite
What is Nick's house?
This person is in love with Daisy and used to date her before he left to serve in war.
Who is Jay Gatsby?
"I saw that the expression of bewilderment had come back into Gatsby’s face, as though a faint doubt had occurred to him as to the quality of his present happiness. Almost five years! There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams — not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion." -Chapter 5
Who is Nick Carraway?
The type of money Gatsby has vs. the type that Tom has
What is Old money vs. New money?
This is Daisy's reaction in chapter 5 when Gatsby shows her his shirts
What is crying?
This is the phrase Gatsby wants Daisy to say to Tom
Give me the exact words
What is "I never loved you."?
These 2 people visit Gatsby's party for the first time and hate it in chapter 6.
Who are Daisy and Tom Buchanan?
"I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before," he said, nodding determinedly. "She'll see."
"Can't repeat the past?" he cried incredulously. "Why of course you can!."- Chapter 6
Who is Jay Gatsby?
Gatsby breaks this item in Nick's house when he tries to talk to Daisy
What is an old clock?
This item was mailed to Daisy on her wedding day and caused her to cry in the chapter 4 flashback
What is a hand-written letter?
This is Jay Gatsby's original name.
James Gatz
This person was Gatsby's mentor figure.
Who is Dan Cody?
"They're such beautiful shirts,"
"It makes me sad because I've never seen such- such beautiful shirts before"- Chapter 5
Who is Daisy Buchanan?
This light symbolizes Gatsby's love for Daisy. We see Gatsby reach out to it at the end of chapter 1. It loses it's significance after they reunite.
What is the green light?
Gatsby shows Nick these 2 items to prove his backstory as a war veteran and college graduate
What is a Medal of Honor and college photograph?
Describe Gatsby's plan from chapter 4
There's the slideshow had 7 steps, you need to list 5 out of 7.
What is
1)buying a house across the bay to be next to Daisy
2)Throwing parties to catch Daisy's attention and ask random people
3)Asking Nick to have tea with Daisy so that she could see Gatsby's house
4) Show up at Nick's place under "coincidence"
5) Have Jordan tell Nick all of this
In chapter 4, this man visits the same establishment as Nick and Gatsby. Nick introduces him to Gatsby, and soon after Gatsby disappears.
Who is Tom Buchanan?
"I may be old-fashioned in my ideas, but women run around too much these days to suit me."
Who is Tom Buchanan
The amount of time Daisy and Gatsby have been apart for.
How long is 5 years?
Gatsby provides 2 reasons for how he got his money. What are they?
1) Inherited the money (Ch.4)
2) Earned and saved the money for 3 years (ch. 5)
These mannerisms from Gatsby causes Nick to doubt him in Chapter 4.
What is rushing the phrase "educated at oxford," and suspicious tone?
This man has shady connections, human teeth for suit cufflinks, and fixed the 1919 baseball World Series.
Who is Meyer Wolfsheim?
"[Gatsby] wants [Daisy] to see his house" she explained" And your house is right next door."
"I think [Gatsby] half expected [Daisy] to wander into one of his parties, some night." -Chapter 4
Who is Jordan Baker?
This type of building sold illegal alcohol, and is where Gatsby takes Nick to meet Meyer Wolfsheim
What is a speakeasy