Late/Missing Work
Misc. 1
Misc. 2
Misc. 3

The amount of points you lose for every day an assignment is late AND the points you lose every day classwork is late.

What is 5 and 1 points.

The thing you must do in order to get full credit for a digital assignment.

What is hit "submit/turn in" on Google Classroom.


The quickest way to contact Mr. Friedlander during non-school hours AND when he stops responding. Extra 25 for stating the periods Mr. Friedlander is free.

What is email and 9pm. Bonus: Periods 1 and 9.


The format you need to use for formal hand written and digital assignments (not including notes or HW)

What is Modern Language Association (MLA) format.


The difference between collaborating and plagiarizing.

What is contributing to the idea equally and using your own words versus taking credit for something you did not help create.


The page(s) you need to go to for information about Late/Missing Work policies

What is pages 3-4


The length of time you get to re-do a plagiarized assignment and the highest grade you can receive.

What is one week and 85%

The page(s) you need to look at for information on the Modern Language Association (MLA) format?

What is page 4


The act of letting the reader know what part of your writing was taken from or heavily inspired by someone else.

What is citations/citing


The definition of paraphrasing

What is re-writing a text in your own words, which often makes it more clear and meaningful to someone else who has not read the text.


The last day you can hand in a late assignment.

What is a week after the due date.


The way Mr. Friedlander calculates participation grades

What is giving a daily grade out of 3 points and then averaging them for the week


The two things Mr. Friedlander will not discuss with you during class or when you come to discuss it while he is teaching another period.

What is grades and any missed work from absences.


The stated definition of "checked work"

What is Mr. Friedlander looked it over but did not collect it. It will also be signed and dated.


The last day to ask for an extension

What is two days before the due date


One, the grade you get when you are present for 20 mins or less. Two, the grade you get when you are only present 10 mins or less.

What is a 1 or 0 for the day depending on your behavior and what is a 0 for the day.


The object(s) you need to bring in to class every day. Hint: You need to state everything to get full credit for this question.

What is a binder, a pen/pencil, colored highlighters, a folder of handouts, and any book or textbook we are reading from.


This happens when you are gone for more than 5 minutes during class.

What is Mr. Friedlander getting security to call after you.
