Graphic Novel terminology
Readings #1
Readings #2
Readings #3
Reading #4

What is a "Panel"?

The rectangle/square/triangle in which a story takes place in a graphic novel


Both not half - Why didn't people believe Jassa was _________

He was very white-passing


Mo - Why did Mo get fired from his job at the cell phone repair company?

He wasn't an American citizen; he was undocumented. ICE were going to raid the store.


What was the main idea of "Teens aren't ruining langauge"

Slang always been prevalent in society and languages changes with each society.


Mo - What were Mo's views on "Chocolate Hummus"

A disgrace. 


What is a "Gutter"? What are readers supposed to do when it comes to a "gutter"?

A gutter is the space between panels. The audience is supposed to"fill in the blanks" and make inferences about what occurred between the panels.


What was the name of the protagonist from "My Name" (The writer who was named after their grandmother)



My Hoyo is proud of my English - How did langauge impact Zuheera's ability to speak with others?

She would avoid going to the mosque and picking up the phone when family members called


Born a Crime - Describe South Africa's public transportation during Trevor Noah's youth

South African offered no public transportation for Black South Africans. Therefore, Black South Africans created their own unregulated public transportation.  

If you can't fast, give - Why couldn't Maysoon Zayed fast during Ramadan?

She had Cerebral Palsy and it made it difficult to fast


What is "Emanta"?

The visual representation of feelings and emotions (tears, sweat, motion lines, etc.)


"My Name" - Why was the writer not pleased with being named after her grandmother? What was she scared of?

She was scared of "her place by the window". She did not want to live a "tamed" life. Her grandmother's life had no color after she got married. She was a wild horse that got tamed.


My Hoyo is proud of my English - What were the two main languages from this reading? 

English & Somali

Mo - Why did Mo deny medical attention when he was shot in the grocery store?

He was undocumented 


What was Maysoon Zayed's ethnicity? (cultural background)

Palestinian American


What is a "Splash" ? 

When a panel takes up an entire page (Intended to highlight something significant)


Both not half - What was Jassa's ethnicity?

Half Punjabi and half White


Why did the bus drivers get hostile with Trevor Noah and his mom

She was from a rival tribe (Xhosa) and they tried to use another bus route


Harlem's forgotten fight...- Why did African Americans want to fight for another country?

They wanted to fight against white colonial ventures and also didn't feel protected/respected by America during the 1930's


We can't go back - Who was also present at Forest Haven with Ricardo? (an institution for people with intellectual disabilities) 

His siblings (brother & sisiter)


What is a "Bleed"

When a panel takes up more than one page and "bleeds" into the second page (Intended to highlight something significant)


Harlem's forgotten fight... - Which country were African Americans attempting to fight for? Which country were they going to fight against? (Must answer both for points)

They wanted to fight for Ethiopia against Italy

Where was Trevor Noah's mom & dad from? 

Mom was from South African and his father was Swiss


Mother Tongue - What happened when Amy Tan called the hospital to ask about her Mother's CAT scans compared to when her mother called? 

The hospital lost her CAT scans and didn't reschedule or show remorse when Amy's mother called (who spoke Broken English). When Amy Tan called, who spoke perfect English, they apologized and rescheduled immediately. 


We can't go back - What is the meaning of the title of this short story? Why was this short story titled "We can't go back"? 

Ricardo's message was that we can't go back and that it is time to move forward. "We can't go back" to a time where we isolate and segregate people with disabilities. We can't go back in our values and in the infrastructure we have for disabled people.  
