This means you did not turn something in, but still get 40% credit in the gradebook
What is a Z4
This is the category in our English class that is worth 60% of your entire semester grade:
What are Assessments OF Learning?
The unique format of our first full text in this class:
What is a graphic novel?
The period of time between when a student receives theri AOL score and when they are able to do the work to qualify for and take the reassessment AOL:
What is 2 weeks?
This is the shoe organizer that helps us stay focused and engaged in class, even if we despise it:
What is the phone bin?
This means you completed the assignment, but received lower than a 40% (it really stunk!)
What is the L4 code?
This is the cutoff date for when you can turn in any assessments FOR learning:
What is the end of the unit (or the AOL due date for the unit)?
The books we will be reading in class this year:
What are American Born Chinese, Gods of Jade & Shadow, We Have Always Lived in teh Castle, and Farenheit 451?
You must do the following in order to do this:
notify the teacher of your choice
complete all AFL's that led up to an AOL
meet with Ms. Love or a peer tutor
What is reassess?
Ms. Love's office hours:
What is 8:00-8:20 every morning AND 4-5pm virtually on Sundays?
This means you were excused from the assignment and it will not factor into your grade at all.
What is the X code?
The answer teachers will give when students ask if Assessments FOR Learning are able to be reassessed:
A narrative essay, a visual literacy analysis, an argument/counterargument writing, and a small group discussion:
What are the 1st semester common assessments?
In English, any discussion AOL - PLUS - in ALL classes, the last AOL of the semester, have this restriction:
The protocol for leaving class to go to the bathroom, your locker, or anywhere else:
What is write your name on the board, give Ms. Love a ticket, and take the green pass?
This is the grading scale cutoff to pass the course
What is a 60%
December 4, 2024
What is the 1st semester sunset date for any AOLs or AFL work in English 2?
Our "Introduction to Me" slides are a way to get to know each other as a class, but ALSO a way to start getting comfortable for THIS (which occurs 2nd semester):
What is a presentation AOL?
This number doubles as BOTH the grade you must score BELOW in order to qualify to take a reassessment of an AOL, AND the highest grade you can receive on that reassessed AOL once you take it:
What is 80%
The answer to whether or not semester grades will be rounded in this class as a general rule:
What is "no"?
If you see a blank in the gradebook for an assignment, it means this:
What is "Ms. Love has entered the assignment into HAC but has not yet entered my grade"?
The date in 2nd semester where any AOL that currently has a Z4 (for not being done) can no longer be taken, and the 40% will stand:
What is May 2, 2025?
A quote analysis, a literary analysis with a counterargument, a discussion, and a presentation:
What are the AOL experiences for 2nd semester?
This is the AOL with the largest percentage value for all of 1st semester:
What is the narrative essay?
Based on what you have experienced so far in Ms. Love's class, this is one of her core values within a classroom setting:
What is community? (connection, etc.)