Reporting verbs
Vocab - writing

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in ( ) 

She agreed _________ (help) me with my assignment. 

to help 

agree is followed by an infinitive 


Complete the blanks with an appropriate verb/tense.

I had a great time in Paris last year. I _______ to the Louve, ______ lots of souvenirs, and _____ tons of delicious food. 

went, bought, ate/tried


Complete the second sentence so it means to the same as the first. Use the word in brackets and any other words you need.

I've never felt anxious before. 

I've never __________ before. (from) 

suffered from anxiety


A water main downtown broke this morning, so several businesses had no water for hours. 

a. addition

b. time

c. comparison

d. cause and effect

cause and effect


Which units material can be included on your final exam? 

Units 1 - 5 


Pick the right word to complete the sentence. 

My doctor ________ me of using ChatGPT to write my final paper. I think I'm in big trouble now. 

a. blamed 

b. promised 

c. accused 

d. denied



Compelte the sentence with grammatically correct verbs.

Why _____ you change the channel? I _______ that movie!

did, was watching


Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets and any other word you need.

1. Sleeping for short periods of time during the workday can boost your productivity.

2. You can boost your productivity by _____ when a work (nap)  

taking a nap


__________ the invention of television, people probably spent more of their leisure time reading.

a. Nevertheless

b. Because 

c. Before 



Which of the following is an indirect question? 

a. Dearest Doctor Bill, could you please check my assignment to see if I made any mistakes. 

b. Dearest Doctor Bill, could you tell me where the bus stop is. 

c. Dearest Doctor Bill, can I please have some more bonus points? 

B - remember indirect questions use subject + verb word order and have no auxiliary verbs.


Write an original sentence using "apologize." 

Say the thing you did and the person you said it to. Use the past tense.  

I apologized to my mom for making a mess.

apologize + to 

for + ing 


When I saw Cara I realized that she ________ much in all those years. 

a. didn't change

b. hadn't changed

c. wouldn't change

d. hadn't been changing

hadn't changed (past perfect for past before another past event) 


Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets and any other word you need. 

1. If you play with a broken finger, you will seriously injure yourself. 

2. You are _________ if you play with that broken finger. (risk) 

at risk of serious injury


_________ I'm very allergic to flowers, my boyfriend bought me a bouquet of roses for my birthday. 

a. Until 

b. Because

c. Even though 

Even though (signals contrast) 


Do we have a class on Tuesday 4 June? 



Explain the difference in meaning between the verbs promise and agree. Give an example for each word to illustrate

promise - one-sided, from the promiser

(I promise to be one time) 

agree - usually two sided 

(We agreed to meet at 2 pm) 


Find and correct two verb tense grammar errors.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want the person on the other end to think that I stoled it and planning to keep it for myself.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want the person on the other end to think that I had stoled it and was planning to keep it for myself.


Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets and any other words you need.

1. She had a bad cold so they had to postpone the match. 

2. She ________ bad cold, so they had to postpone the match. (came) 

came down with a 


______ Mohammad's car stereo was on full blast, I could see his lips moving, but I had no idea what he was saying. 

a. Moreover

b. Because

c. Just as

Because (cause and effect) 


Explain the two parts of a question tag. Give an example to illustrate. 

It's hot today, isn't it? 

(statement + question)

(if statement is +, question is -  / if statement is -, question is positive)  


Fix the mistakes in the sentence below

My professor reminded me arriving on time for the final exam and bringing a pen and my student ID. 

reminded + infinitive


My professor reminded me to arrive on time for the final exam and to bring a pen and my student ID. 


While I ____________ (walk) through the market in Aqaba, I noticed a fortune teller's tent. Intrigued, I ____________ (decide) to have my fortune told. The mysterious fortune teller, Madame Zain, ____________ (gaze) into her crystal ball and, with an air of certainty, ____________ (predict) that I _______ (get) a 40/40 on my ENG 201 final exam.  

was walking, decided, gazed, predicted, was going to get/would get 


Find and correct the two word choice mistakes. If grammatical changes are needed, make them.   

My wife is usually very good at cope on stress. But she's been working so hard she's suffering from burned-up, my wife took two weeks off work. 

coping with 



________ the variety of options at the store, I couldn’t find a fitting dress to wear to my friend’s wedding.

a. Just as 

b. Unlike 

c. In spite of

In spite of


Ask me for additional bonus points using three types of questions: 

- question tag 

- negative question 

- information question (standard question form) 

- We can have extra bonus points, can't we? 

- Can't we have more bonus points? 

- Can we have more bonus points? 
