Gilgamesh is the greatest work of ancient ______.
Choose two heroes we have studied, and discuss three important character traits that they share.
Name a woman in The Epic of Gilgamesh and discuss the importance of her role.
Ishtar--goddess of love/warfare Utnapishtim's wife Shamhat--prostitute who leads Enkidu to humanity Siduri--tavern keeper at the end of the world Ninsun (Gilgamesh's mom)--wise, persuades Shamash to let Gilgamesh kill Humbaba Aruru--birth goddess who creates Enkidu out of clay
What does Gilgamesh hope to achieve during his time with Enkidu?
Name three works for which an author is unknown.
Gilgamesh Classic of Poetry Beowulf Sunjata Popol Vuh
Gengi was written during the _____ era.
Name the hero who speaks here: "...No weapons, therefore, for either this night: unarmed he shall face me if face me he dares. And may the Divine Lord in His wisdom grant the glory of victory to whichever side He sees fit."
Name the (married) lady who tells Oedipus that it's perfectly normal for men to dream about sleeping with their mothers.
I say: You have been living unaware in the most hideous intimacy with your nearest and most loving kin, immersed in evil that you cannot see.
Tiresias, the blind prophet, sees the truth. Oedipus, who can see, is metaphorically blind--soon, he will literally lose his sight.
Who is speaking here? Where she is hiding, glutting on the corpse and glorying in her escape, I cannot tell; she has taken up the feud because of last night, when you killed Grendel…
Beowulf sails from the place we now call _____ to help people in the place we now call_____.
Beowulf sails from the place we now call Sweden to help people in the place we now call Denmark.
Name the hero, and discuss the implications of this passage: Then he covered his friend's face, like a bride's. He hovered round him like an eagle, Like a lioness whose cubs are in a pitfall, He paced to and fro, back and forth, Tearing out and hurling away the locks of his hair, Ripping off and throwing away his fine clothes like something foul.
Gilgamesh. True friendship is highly valuable, and no epic hero succeeds without the aid of a helper. Gender roles are reversed in this passage. Emotional destabilization is evident. Gilgamesh begins a transformation and heads toward the exile/abyss/flight portion of his journey.
With whom is this outsider pleading? ...I will need to ask you one small favor. If I should find some way, some strategy to pay my husband back, bring him to justice, keep silent.
The Women of Corinth (the chorus of Greek women).
For the sake of my father I can jump into fire. And, I assure you, Rama does not indulge in double talk. Hence, tell me what my king wants to be done.
Dharma. Here, Rama adheres to a set of moral codes, including obeying his father instantly. He is an ideal son, man, and ruler.
God is with the just. Everybody does what he wants, But God makes the final decision. The chick destined to be a rooster will eventually crow. No matter what is laid in its path. It will overcome.
Discuss Sunjata's destiny as one given by God and immutable. Indigenous religion and Islamic teaching woven together.
Place these three works into chronological order: The Ramayana Medea Classic of Poetry
Classic of Poetry The Ramayana Medea
Name the hero: He said, "Father Sumaworo, good morning." (True manhood is revealed by the mouth.)
Identify the speaker and discuss what can be drawn from the passage: "Why then are you, full of valor and courage, afraid even on my account? If you do not take me with you I shall surely die; but instead of waiting for such an event, I prefer to die in your presence. If you do not change your mind now, I shall take poison and die."
Sita is the ideal woman and wife--thoughtful and selfless. In this Hindu society, laws are made by the gods and marriage is permanent.
Zilu asked about government. The Master said: "Guide them. Encourage them." Zilu asked him to develop these precepts. The Master said, "Untiringly."
Confucius believed in ritual, self-cultivation, and meaningful social life. He modeled proper behavior and taught that we have an obligation to one another.
Name the speaker and discuss what we can learn about the society in which the action takes place: This is your city. You have your fathers' homes, your lives bring joy and profit. You have friends. But I have been deserted and outraged-- left without a city by my husband... ...Here I have no mother, no brother, no blood relative to help unmoor me from this terrible disaster.
Medea--she is an outsider and a woman. Despite her obvious uintelligence and strength, she articulates the helplessness of women and of outsiders and the importance of family and city in Greek society.
Put these in chronological order: Japan’s Heian era Ancient Athenian drama Medieval Chinese literature (Tao Qian, Bo Juyi, Yuan Zhen)
Ancient Athenian drama Medieval Chinese literature (Tao Qian, Bo Juyi, Yuan Zhen) Japan’s Heian era
Which heroes are created here? And then the bone spit out its saliva, which landed squarely in the hand of the maiden... Right away something was generated in her belly, from the saliva alone...
Hunahpu and Xbalanque
Who is the woman described here, and what cultural importance can you discuss based on this passage? He took his sorcerer's whip and lashed her on the head. She pulled back for the first time, And when she put her head in again, She shot out her scalding breast milk, Trying to splash it on Simbon to blister his skin, To let him know that a real woman was coming.
Sogolon. This is a male-dominated society, though the special powers held by women are apparent here. This passage also explains the origin of a local marriage custom.
Just as they had wished the death of Seven Macaw, so they brought it about. They had seen evil in his self-magnification. After this the two boys went on again. What they did was simply the word of the Heart of Sky.
Evil will be brought low--the Maya pantheon alone is to be worshipped. The twins act on behalf of Heart of Sky for the betterment of the world. Deceivers are not tolerated.
Discuss the cultural significance of this passage: His Majesty vented his pent-up emotions, presenting a cup of rice wine to the Minister and reminding him of his responsibilities toward Genji. When you with purple cords first bound his hair Did you not also bind your heart and swear Eternal vows to give him your daughter The Minister composed this reply. So long as the deep purple cords that bind our hearts As firmly as they bind this youth's hair never fade So our mutual vow will retain its deep hue