a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
Important background information within a story; for example, information about the setting, the characters' backstories, prior plot events, historical context, etc. ...
The manner in which an author reveals the personality of the characters.
Lightning flashes and thunder cracks as the brother walk towards the gray house.
A rose can be a symbol of...
Love, death, romance
o look for differences among two or more elements
The steps in a basic plot
Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
Direct or indirect characterization?
John was a simple man. He never wanted for more clothes, money, or time. He ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time every day.
Direct Characterization
We had finally made it to the pep rally! Last year's event ended in disaster after the cheerleader pyramid collapsed to the ground. This year, the cheer coach made sure that the team was practiced enough to pull it off!
using an object or action that means something more than its literal meaning.
The central idea or the moral of the story.
the place or time an event takes place.
Direct or indirect characterization?
John kicked the door in. He yelled at the stunned waitress,
"I need all of the money in the till!"
He waved his baseball bat as the waitress stared in disbelief.
"Seriously lady, don't test me!"
Indirect characterization
Identify the POV
I never wanted to be the flyer. When the coach asked me to climb all the way to the top of the pyramid, I could feel my stomach drop. This was not going to end well.
First person
main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work, which may be stated directly or indirectly.
words or phrases used to connect ideas together
Identify the setting of the following passage:
"The stealth of autumn catches one unaware. Was that a goldfinch perching in the early September woods, or just the first turning leaf?"
-Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall by Diana Ackerman
Autumn, September
Thought of others
Methods of indirect characterization
The three cheerleaders could feel the pyramid swaying. Jennifer called out, "girls, steady yourselves".
Samantha let out a piercing scream that earned the attention of the entire student body.
"She's going to fall!" yelled Brianna.
Jennifer's warning hadn't worked. She knew in her gut that her coach would be so disappointed.
third-person omniscient
What is the theme of the story of the Three Little Pigs?
Be prepared.
Always have a good foundation.
a struggle between two opposing forces, usually a protagonist and an antagonist.
What part of the plot does this passage represent?
"In the end, we all knew he would be dead. We just knew it. When you live your life in a constant frenzy, you will die your death that way too. In a way, it was affirming. And we knew it was finally over."
The narrator tells the reader that John was lonely and had no family.
Method of direct characterization
Samantha knew she was going to fall from the moment she was asked to be the flyer. She wasn't ready. Her scream left her mouth before she could stop it.
The whole group came tumbling down. Samantha's brain was racing through to the future. She could see the other kids taunting her.
Third-person limited
Write down a theme of the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Disney version).
Never trust a stranger.
Friends always help.
True love concurs all.
*teacher discretion*