Emphasizes conflicts that arise b/c of inequalities in distribution of resources. Power is unequally divided, powerful social groups impose their will on nondominant groups/
True or False?
Most clients that seek help have reached a point where their coping mechanisms no longer function.
Refers to the genuineness and sincerity of a person's manner of relating. Reflecting fundamental honesty, an authentic social worker is natural, real, and personable.
What are other strategies that increase support & encourage family engagement and participation?
Willingness to adjust scheduling and meeting location.
demonstrate offering transportation
and/or child care supports for a parent as well as a
Seeks to focus on the needs of clients and to let their needs and abilities guide social work practice. Ensures that interventions are collaborative and individualized. Seeks to empower the individual to direct the intervention and assess what resources they need.
Client Centered Approach
Sees human behavior as outcome of interactions within and among systems. Each part of the system impacts all other parts of the system as a whole. All systems are subsystems of other larger systems.
process in which an individual conveys information, intentionally or unintentionally
Individual state of mind – feeling competent and a sense of control
Centering discussion on the needs that are most important
Focusing Skills
Recognizes that each client is the expert in their own life. That clients have the most knowledge as to what their needs are, and what resources they need to access. Ensures that clients are invested in the outcomes of interventions, by giving them joint responsibility and recognizing their abilities and potential to succeed.
Working Collaboratively
how people construct meaning a sense of self and a social world through their interactions with each other.
Social Constructionist
What are the 3 levels of engagement?
Micro: working with individuals and/or families
Mezzo: working with families, groups, and/or organizations
Macro: working with organizations and/or communities
Sense of interdependence, support, and respected status
Active listening and hearing what people want to say before addressing “the problem”
Exploring Skills
Seeks to focus on individual, family, and community strengths and competency. This is in contrast to other professions which focus on deficits or maladaptive functioning. Gives people the power to build on what resources they already possess, what skills and competencies they have already mastered to overcome the obstacles they are faced with.
Strength Based Perspective
Human behavior is driven by a desire for growth, personal meaning, and competence and by a need to experience a bond with others.
process of becoming active or involved, and forming professional partnerships.
Fostering the therapeutic relationship and respecting the client
able to access real opportunities and resources within a societal structure
Collaboratively identifying solutions and creating a plan to carry out ideas
Guiding Skill
Stresses a person's physical, social, and psychological realities as well as the social realities that both define and limit that person.
Behavior learned through association, reinforcement, and imitation.
Undesirable behavior which can be changed through classical and operant conditioning.
Which clients tend to fare better in their treatment outcomes?
Clients who are cooperative and open
Process of increasing personal, interpersonal, and political power so that individuals, families, and communities can take action to improve their situations."
Empowerment Model
Name the 3 engagement skills that help people identify and address their needs.
Seeks to intervene at a level of systems with humans. Seeks to identify and improve ecological conditions and is an offshoot of systems theory.
EcoSystems Approach