Regans Birth Place
What is San Jose, CA?
Zachs Birth Place
What is Chicago?
Location Zach asked Regan to be his Girlfriend
What is Golden Gardens?
The Location of the Engagement
What is Newport Beach?
Zach and Regans Camp Names
What is "Sparkles" and "Rafiki"?
Regans Full Name (Currently) and meaning
What is Regan Anne Lindsay and Leader of the People in Grace?
Zach's Middle Name and Meaning
What is Ranjit and "victorious"?
First Date Spot
What is Flastick Pub?
Scripture Zach Quoted
What is 1 Corinthians 13:4-7?
Song remade for SAMBICA's Opening Night
What is "Thats what I like"?
Regans Birth Day
What is May 21st, 1999
Zach's Elementary School
What is Ardmore Elementary?
Coolest Date Idea (According to Popular Opinion)
What is "Sushi Chess"?
Animal Present
What is a Dolphin?
Zachs trademark dance
What is Rafreaky Friday?
Regans High School
Live Oak Academy
Times Zach has Visited India
What is 5?
Date that Regan Fell Asleep
What is Drive-in Movie on Whidbey Island?
Song that Regan and Zach Danced to
What is "Marry Me" by Jason Derulo?
Regan and Zachs Job Titles
What is Adventure Champion and Youth Programs Manager?
Regans Family Members Names
Who are Mark, Barb, Alison, Derek and Camille?
First Names of all Zachs Ave House Roommates
Who are Nick, Will, Cade, Daniel, Tyler, Jaciel, Zander, Adriel, Amos and Kurt?
Zach and Regans Favorite Date Activity
What is Tik Tok?
Regans Clothing during the Engagement
What are a hoodie, swimsuit and jean shorts?
Injury that Zach gave Regan
What is a Concussion?