what is the name of the main character in wimpy kid
greg heffley
how do you spell jakke in English
which date is halloween
31 october
my cair is big
my chair is big
how do you say græskar
what is the name of the girl greg is in love with
holly hills
how do you spell skoletaske in English
what do you do at halloween (2 answers)
trick or treat and
put coustume on
i like to play fotbal
i like to play (football)
how do you say kørestol in english
what is the name of Rowley dad
Robert jefferson
how do you spell skoleskema in English
school timetabel
which country is halloween from
my tabble is broken
my table is broken
how do you say skoleelev in english
what is the name of gregs dog
Sweetie Pie
how do you spell farlig in english
what did you use to make jack o lantern before pumkin
My mom is beautifull
My mom is (beautiful)
how do you say dyrlæge in english
what is the name of the rollercoster they rided
The Cranium Shaker
how do you spell flodhest in english
what do you celebrate at halloween
harvest festival called samhain
My flower is very supercalifragilisticexppialidocious
my flower is very supercalifragilisticexpialidociou
how do you say ordbog in english