What is "Hej mit navn er" in english
Hello my name is
Name a cow race that starts with "H" that is famous for a beef in sunset
How do you say "15" in english
We (are or is) playing soccer
We are playing soccer
how many people live in denmark
about 6 millions
How do you say " Grøn er min yndlings farve"
Green is my favourite color
What do you call a "Hval" in english
What is 4000 in english
four thousand
How old (are, or, is) you
how many students are there on this school
about 504
What is "Jeg skal på efterskole om 3 år" in english?
I'm going to graduate school in 3 years
what happens if a goat gets scared
its gonna freeze and then fall like its dead
What number comes after 988?
nine hundred and eighty nine
(is or are) you good today?
are you good today?
What does Ole Henriksen have?
His own skincare brand
How do you say "Tomorrow I am going to Greenland" in danish
I morgen skal jeg til Grønland
How high is a shire horse average
it is over 180 cm high
how many 9's are there from 1 - 100
Tomorrow (is or are) Wednesday
Tomorrow is Wednesday
Hvad hed den film vi så om santiago der endte med at spille for new castle united?
How do you say "Vi skal ud af skolen om 3 år"
we will leave school in 3 years
what is (sadelunderlag) in english
it is (sadelpad)
How do you say "9989" in english
Nine thousand nine hundred and eighty nine
My sister (is or are) 14 years old
My sister is 14 years old
what is thomas's full name
Thomas Lynge Pedersen