Bøj "to be" i nutid
I am, you are, he/she/it is
we are, you are, they are
Can camels swim?
The Americans eat this with fries
What is a hamburger?
En stor statue i New York
Hvad er Frihedsgudinden?
Oversæt følgende til engelsk:
Jeg går i skole hver dag
I go to school every day
Bøj "to be" i datid
I was, you were, he/she/it was
We were, you were, they were
What is the tallest animal in the world?
A giraffe. The average height is around 5 metres
Which food is yellow and has holes?
En park i New York
Hvad er Central Park?
Oversæt følgende til engelsk:
De spiser kage og drikker te i London
They eat cake and drink tea in London
Bøj "to have" i nutid
I have, you have, he/she/it has
We have, you have, they have
What does a panda mainly eat?
What are nuggets made of?
Et boldspil man kan spille i Central Park
Hvad er baseball?
Hvad hedder ugedagene på engelsk?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Bøj "to have" i datid
I had, you had, he/she/it has
We had, you had, they had
How many legs does a spider have?
A spider has 8 legs
Which fruit is red and juicy inside and green and hard on the outside?
A watermelon
Det sted i New York med flest lysreklamer
Hvad er Times Square?
Oversæt følgende: jeg spiser morgenmad med min søster tidligt om morgenen
I eat breakfast with my sister early in the morning
Bøj "to run"
I run, you run, he/she/it runs
We run, you run, they run
What is the name of the longest snake in the world?
A python
What food item is traditionally carved during Halloween?
A pumpkin
Englænderne kalder dette for sweets. Amerikanerne kalder det
Hvad er "candy"?
Oversæt: I går, i dag, i morgen
Yesterday, today, tomorrow