To be i 1. person nutid ental
Translate: "Han elsker at svømme"
He loves to swim
Date christmas is celebrated in english speaking countries.
December 25th
Capital of England
Betydningen af sætningen: "Not the sharpest tool in the shed"
Not being very clever/bright/intelligent
To be i 1. person ental datid
Translate: "Han elskede at svømme"
He loved to swim
The name of "påske" in english
Capital of USA
Washington D.C
Betydningen af sætningen "There is no place like home"
Home is the most comfortable place to be.
To be i 3. person flertal datid
Translate "He is wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans"
Han har en grå trøje og blå cowboybukser på
Efterår in english
The current president of USA
Donald Trump
Betydningen af sætningen: "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst"
Bad things might happen, so be prepared
Ordklassen “infront” tilhøre
Forholdsord el. præposition
Translate "Hun har en lyserød kjole på"
She is wearing a pink dress
What number president will Joe Biden become
An english speaking country that is also a continent
Betydningen af sætningen "Better late than never"
It is better to do something on time, but if you can't make it on time you should still do it.
Ordklasse for ordene "He, she, it etc"
Stedord el. pronomen
Translate: “Kamma er en rigtig god og sød og flot og sjov vikar”
Kamma is a very good and sweet and pretty and funny substitute teacher
Amount of star wars movies made
Amount of people that live in London
11 million
Betydning af “the grass is always greener on the other side”
Other people always seem to be in a better situation than you, although they may not be