Say to be in præsens
I am
You are
He/She/It is
We are
You are
They are
How many states are there in USA
Hvad hedder Englands konge?
Oversæt dette
I went to the park to meet some friends
Jeg tog i parken for at møde nogle venner
Hvem har skrevet Harry Potter
J.K. Rowling
Say this sentence in prætæritum
I sing in the shower everytime I shower
I sang in the shower everytime i showered
Who was the first President of the United States?
George Washington
Hvor gammel blev dronning Elisabeth?
96 år
My doctor said, I needed to be further examined, because a mold looked wierd.
Min læge sagde, jeg skulle undersøges yderligere, fordi et modermærke så mærkeligt ud
Nævn bandet, som har skrevet "Let it be"
The beatles
Find the mistake:
They went to the mall to shop at christmas presents
Korrekt sætning:
They went to the mall to shop for christmas present.
What is the second amendment?
Heri fastslås retten til at have våben i USA
Hvad hedder det store pariserhjul i London?
London eye
Hvilken kendt sanger fra et tidligere band er for nylig død?
Liam Payne
Gradbøj dette tillægsord
Angry, angrier, angriest
What kind of election system do they use in USA?
Det kaldes, the winner takes it all princippet
What is candy called in british english?
The dance team got evicted from the building, due to postponing the bills for too long
Danceholdet blev smidt ud af bygningen, fordi de udskød regningerne for længe.
Find the mistake:
It was a good day, because i had no homework
Korrekt sætning
It was a good day, because I had no homework
Hvad hedder øen, som frihedsgudinden står på?
Liberty Island
The island of Great Britain is made up of what three somewhat autonomous regions?
England, Scotland and Wales
I deliberately ignored him for the rest of the day
Jeg ignorerede ham med vilje resten af dagen
Hvilken sang fra A star is born vandt en oscar?