In her essay "Ghosts," Vauhini Vara uses an AI chatbot to write about the loss of this person.
Her sister
A rhetorical analysis concerns:
A) What the argument is.
B) The content of the text.
C) How an argument is made.
This is my email address
This sentence introduces an essay's argument, clearly stating the writer's stance on a topic.
Thesis statement
Spring break begins on this date
March 17
This website hosts the Student Guide to English Composition, our course textbook.
This is what we call the intended reader or recipient of a given text.
Due dates for assignments always fall on this day of the week.
The Texts in Action essay asked you to move beyond summary of your article and into this.
The Eagles beat the Chiefs in the Super Bowl with this score.
In a reading from our first week, author Lorrie Moore offers us a how-to guide on becoming this.
A writer. "How to Become a Writer"
This is the definition of "exigence."
The situation, event, or problem that the writer is responding to; the "urgency" behind a piece of writing.
If you're unable to get an assignment in on the due date, you can do this.
Send me an email requesting an extension!
This method is used to cite evidence from the article under discussion in your paper.
Feedback on written assignments often takes the form of comments pinned to the margins of your document. What color are the pins?
Vauhini Vara's piece "Ghosts" appeared in this publication.
The Believer
"Creative Nonfiction" could be used to describe this rhetorical feature of Vauhini Vara's "Ghosts."
You can do this to make up for one unexcused absence.
Visit the campus Writing Center
The Texts in Action essay asked you to apply a minimum of this many rhetorical terms to the analysis of your article.
I also teach a course at UC on this topic.
Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy
In his essay "What if We're All Self-Playing Harps," Oscar Schwartz borrows a metaphor from this literary and artistic movement to describe human creativity.
The art of effective or persuasive communication is called this.
Each additional unexcused absence after your 3rd affects your overall grade by this percentage.
The Texts in Action assignment is worth this percentage of your overall grade.
UC has approximately this many undergraduate students.