Topic Proposal
Rhetorical Analysis
USC Trivia

People who are directly affected by the issues and outcomes of a certain topic.

What are stakeholders?


This is a type of biased information that tries to make you avoid critical thinking.

What is propaganda?


This term is the study of how people persuade and give their opinion to others.

What is Rhetoric?


(World Cities) Craig Ferguson is a proud Glaswegian-a native of this city

What is Glasgow?


Started in 1902, USC has been setting ablaze to this university's mascot.

What is Clemson University?


An inclination towards understanding something in one way instead of another.

What is bias?


In Holmes' essay entitled "A Girl, a Shoe, a Prince", what folktale is the center of her analysis?

What is Cinderella?


In the short film Hair Love by Matthew Cherry, this subset of American culture is given a spotlight.

What is African American culture?


(Triple Time) Like a pregnancy, Carleton College's academic year is divided into these

What are trimesters?

This library, named after the second university president, serves as the main library on campus housing millions of volumes, special collections, and several historical documents.

What is the Thomas Cooper Library?


This concept deals with individuals having many different identities affecting each other.

What is intersectionality?


This type of analysis looks at how an argument is given.

What is a rhetorical analysis?

This concept highlights how arguments/ideas can be communicated through various means.

What is multimodality?


(Anatomical Anagrams) Above the toes and below the neck is this joint, one of a pair

What is an elbow?


Founded in 1801, the University of South Carolina was originally named this, reflecting its status as the first college in the state.

What is South Carolina College?


Ancient Greek rhetoricians developed this rhetorical method that helps rhetoricians do three things: 1) Discover main issues in an argument, 2) Identify the primary question in an argument, and 3) Invent arguments in response.

What is stasis theory?


In Margaret Atwood's "Debtor's Prism," she uses this literary character from the Christmas Carol, to understand the psychology of debt.

Who is (Ebenezer) Scrooge?


Paraphrasing, quotations, and summaries all require this, to avoid plagiarism.

What is a citation?


(World of Religion) The Mahayana branch of this religion is more recent than the Theravada & includes the concept of adherents becoming Bodhisattvas

What is Buddhism?


This restaurant located on the historic Horseshoe, ran by students in the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management, offers a variety of services, education programs and events for the public

What is McCutchen House?


In Stasis theory, this is established ideas that an argument is built upon.

What are facts?


These two Greek words means to break things apart and then putting them back together.

What are analysis and synthesis?


This academic database, that you can access through USC library, specializes in the humanities and liberal arts.

What is JSTOR?


(Math Talk) Fire up the engine of your mind & name this solid figure with equal and parallel circles at either end

What is a cylinder?


The University of South Carolina has the largest collection of writings from this famous nobel laureate. Famous works by this author include, The Sun Also Rises (1926), A Farewell to Arms (1929), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), and The Old Man and the Sea (1952).

Who is Ernest Hemingway?


Daily Double: List these 5 aspects of multimodality.

What are 1: (Linguistic) Text, 2: Visuals, 3: Audio, 4: Spatial, 5: Gestural?


In Donna Cross' "Propaganda: How not to be Bamboozled," describes this type of argument that attacks a person's character rather than their position.

What is an argumentum ad hominem, or ad hominem?


These are the three components of the final portfolio?

What are the three minute thesis, topic proposal response paper, and multi-modal project/rationale?


(Starts with 3 Consecutive Letters) Diligent, especially in the arena of learning

What is studious?

Since the 1950s, the annual Clemson-South Carolina football game is sometimes called "The ____ of the ____ _____", marking one of the longest-standing rivalries in college football.

What is the The Battle of the Palmetto State?


When reading Signs Chapter 1, rhetorical context can be broken down into multiple different aspects. Name at least 2 of the possible 7 aspects.

What are topic, purpose, audience, stance/tone, genre, media/design, formality?


In Margaret Atwood's "Debtor's Prism," the title is a play on words where the word prism is used instead of this word.

What is prison?


This is the date when the final portfolio is due.

What is April 30th by midnight?


(Physics) In the early 1900s the "plum pudding" model for the internal structure of these was replaced by the planetary model

What is the atom?


In 2022, this historic academic program, coming out of the civil rights movement and the 'Turbulent Sixties',  became a full department on its 50th anniversary.

What is the African American Studies department?
