Lit Terms

How did Sylvia Plath die?

1. She overdosed on sleeping pills

2. She put her head in the oven 

3. She hung herself

4. She is still alive 

2. What is she put her head in the oven 


In “Split the Lark,” what does Dickinson state you will find if you “split the lark”?

1. Skeptic Thomas

2. The music

3. A flood

4. Rolled silver

2. What is The music? 


In Plath’s poem, “Daddy,” who does “the vampire who said he was you” refer to?

1. Her father

2. Her mother

3. Her boss

4. Her husband

4. Who is her husband?


Which female activist was a slave before she traveled the U.S. giving speeches about Black women’s rights?

1. Sojourner Truth

2. Charlotte Perkins Gilman

3. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

4. Frederick Douglass

1.Who is Sojourner Truth? 


______________   ______________ refers to a doctor-imposed prescription for women in the 19th century who demonstrated traits of “hysteria,” which often occurred after child birth.

1. Attic Isolation

2. Post-partum 

3. Rest Cure

4. Shock Therapy

3. What is the Rest Cure?


What major life event influenced Plath’s poetry and eventual suicide?

  1. Her father’s death

  2. Her parents’ divorce

  3. Her brother’s suicide

  4. Her husband’s death 

1. What is her father's death? 


In “Hope is the thing with feathers--,” what does Dickinson imply has “kept so many warm”?

1. A bird

2. Feathers

3. Music

4. Hope

4. What is "hope"?


Which writer referenced WWI to help ground her to reality?

1. Perkins Gilman

2. Dickinson

3. Plath

4. Woolf

4. Who is Virginia Woolf?


According to Sojourner Truth in “Ain’t I a Woman?,” why does she believe she should be treated like other women?

1. Because she bore children

2. Because she ploughed the fields

3. Because she “bear[ed] the lash”

4. Because she grieved her children

5. All of the above

6. None of the above

 5. What is All of the above?


A  ______________ is a type of speech that compares two things; it is created when a figurative term is substituted for or identified with the literal term.

1. metaphor

2. simile

3. comparison

4. alliteration

1. What is a metaphor? 


In “I felt a funeral in my brain–,” who/what was treading through the speaker's mind?

1. A bird

2. A plank of reason

3. Mourners

4. Feathers

3. What is Mourners?


What does Plath say that she “had to do” in the poem “Daddy”?

  1. Pray to God

  2. Kill her dad

  3. Kiss her husband

  4. Kill herself

2. What is Kill her dad


Which of the following texts presents a story about a woman’s experience of postpartum depression?

  1. Dickinson “‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers --,”

  2. Plath’s “Lady Lazarus”

  3. Hemingway’s “Hill Like White Elephants” 

  4. Perkin Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

4. What is Perkin Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper"?


Which female American author advocated for women’s independence, including the right to vote and the right for women to attend higher education?

1. Emily Dickinson

2. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

3. Sojourner Truth

4. Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton? 


_____________   ______________ refers to refers to a character’s internal, psychological struggle(s) or private life conflicts.

1. Internal Conflict

2. External Conflict

3. Character Conflict

4. Rising Conflict

1. What is Internal Conflict? 


In “Lady Lazarus,” how does Plath describe dying?

  1. It is an act of love

  2. It is a show

  3. It is an art

  4. It is a sweater 

3. What is, "it is an art"? 


In “Split the Lark,” a common interpretation of “the lark” is that it is an extended metaphor for:

1. Nature/Truth

2. Water/Flood

3. Flowers/Spring

4. Birds/Hope

1. What is Nature/Truth


Which writer can be characterized as “mad” because she was reclusive, never married, and was in love with another woman?

1. Charlotte Perkins Gilman

2. Susan B. Anthony

3. Sylvia Plath

4. Emily Dickinson

4. Who is Emily Dickinson? 


Which second-wave feminist scholars wrote about the angel-monster dichotomy in Victorian literature?

1. Gilbert and Gubar

2. Mason and Crevar

3. Truth and Stanton

4. Dickinson and Gilbert

1. Who is Gilbert and Gubar?


_____________   ______________ refers to the comparison, analysis, interpretation, and/or evaluation of works of literature.

1. Internal Analysis 

2. Literary Realism

3. Textual Analysis

4. Literary Criticism

4. What is Literary Criticism? 


This American female writer wrote prolifically during the Civil War period (1858-1865).

1. Charlotte Perkins Gilman

2. Susan B. Anthony

3. Sylvia Plath

4. Emily Dickinson

4. Who is Emily Dickinson?


In Dickinson’s “‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers --,” what is she referring to when she describes “Hope” as something that “never stops - at all -”?

1. A bird with feathers

2. Humanity’s endless capacity for hope

3. A storm on land and sea

4. God’s love

2. What is Humanity's endless capacity for hope?


Which work of literary criticism confronts the over-simplified and restrictive ways that male writers have created female characters?

1. Our Girls

2. Declaration of Sentiments

3. The Yellow Wallpaper

4. The Madwoman in the Attic

4. What is The Madwoman in the Attic? 


What official U.S. document does Stanton cite when she makes her argument for women’s rights in “Declaration of Sentiments”?

1. The Constitution

2. The First Amendment

3. The Land Ownership Act

4. The Federalist Papers

1. What is the Constitution? 

______________   ______________ ______________ refers to Gilbert and Gubar’s concept that 19th century Victorian writers struggled writing because they had no female author predecessors.

1. Post-partum Depression 

2. Anxiety of Authorship

3. Anxiety of Space

4. Madwoman in the Attic

2. What is Anxiety of Authorship?
