S&R #1
S&R #2
S&R #3
S&R #4
What method teaches grammar to L2 learners and uses mostly the students’ L1 in class?
Grammar- Translation Method
Spanglish is an example of what linguistic phenomenon?
A person with this characteristic is able to accept things (including language) that are different from his own experiences and culture; he calmly discuss controversial issues with another person who has the opposite beliefs or opinions and accept their validity.
Tolerance of Ambiguity
What do ESL and EFL stand for?
English as a Second Language, English as a Foreign Language
Krashen popularized a metaphorical term that describes the feelings that learners may have that make may act as affective barriers to learning. These may include stress and anxiety, motivation, inhibitions, even physical discomfort.
Affective Filter
A person’s body language and facial expressions are important when speaking to another person. These are examples of what kind of communication?
This hypothesis suggests that there is a set timetable for language acquisition. After the timetable passes, it is difficult to impossible to to acquire a second language. What hypothesis is this?
Critical Period Hypothesis
What are the two types of motivation that describe desire to learn a language/culture? One is driven by outside factors, one from within.
Instrumental (Extrinsic) and Integrative (Intrinsic) Motivation
What are the four H’s (stages) of acculturation?
Honeymoon, Horror, Humor, and Home
_______ is the feelings of social uncertainty and social dissatisfaction. This term, borrowed from psychology, describes the feeling of cultural or linguistic alienation – not belonging.
When acquiring the skills in a first language, what is the standard (universal) sequence of learning?
Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing (LSRW)
A person is cramming for her finals. She studies the night before and then takes the test. The next day, she cannot remember anything she studied for. This is an example of what?
Systematic Forgetting
What method describes teaching a second language through subject matter rather than grammar and linguistics? The instructor integrates academic content with language skills that are centered on a content topic (e.g., going to a restaurant, making Pico de Gallo). Aka, Dr. Stryker’s favorite method (and the title of his book).
Content-Based Instruction (CBI)
What two skills are acquired in Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS)? What two skills are acquired in Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)?
BICS> Listening/ Speaking, CALP> Reading/ Writing
What psychological instrument (test) is used to identify individual preferences, approaches, and personality orientations? (e.g., Extroversion vs. Introversion)
Meyers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
What is the term for when an instructor uses a variety of methods and approaches within one lesson in order to meet the students’ needs? (e.g., Dr. Stryker)
Enlightened Eclecticism
What is the theory that provides information about people’s inherent skills and intelligence, as well as their behavioral and working preferences, and their natural strengths? (e.g., musical learners, linguistic learners, kinesthetic learners, etc.)
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Learner A and Learner B are both looking at a “Where’s Waldo?” book. Learner B is person who is able to find Waldo much easier while Learner A finds it incredibly difficult and gives up. One sees the forest, the other the trees. What type of learners are these?
Field Dependent and Field Independent
Grammatical Competence, Discourse Competence, Sociolinguistic Competence, and Strategic Competence are all four types of what umbrella term?
Communication Competence
What is the three-step process (originally suggested my Madeline Hunter) for delivering lessons that emphasizes the importance of a warm-up and student participation? Give examples of each.
Into, Through, and Beyond Lesson Plan 1.Into- preparing the students with activities that will compliment the lesson 2.Through- the content of the lesson 3. Beyond- assessment and reinforcement of the lesson
According to Chomsky, a person’s __________ ___________ contains the rules for a language. Most humans do not consciously realize they know a complicated network of linguistic rules.
Deep Structure
Ana is not confident that she can acquire a second language. She has been made fun of because she cannot speak like everyone else. This has caused her to suffer doubts and anxiety. Which of our three domains is described here?
Affective Domain
This theory of the division of the brain suggests that: a.) different sides of the brain control different “modes” of thinking, and b.) that we all have a preferences for one or the other of those modes.
Left/ Right Brain Theory
Rather than simply listing and teaching about predictable errors, a language instructor carefully analyzes the mistakes she has seen her students make to see if she can better understand the process of second language acquisition. This is an example of what?
Error Analysis
What term did Noam Chomsky popularize that describes the “little black box” in the brain that makes all humans capable of easily acquiring a language?
Language Acquisition Device