General Questions
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
General Questions II
How did most slave traders see enslaved Africans?

(hint: not as human beings, but ... )

What is cargo, property, etc.


Based on the information in the graphic, what was the greatest challenge facing Jamestown's early settlers?

What is conflict with Native American groups


William Penn practiced what religion?

What is a Quaker.


Relations among American Indians and Colonists in the seventeenth century could best be described as...

What is troublesome, contentious, difficult...etc.


This plant saved Jamestown and provided both wealth and a unhealthy habit to Europe.

What is Tobacco


This term/economic system is the result of competition for wealth among European nations.

What is Mercantilism (an economic system in which a country establishes colonies to gain wealth for the mother country.)


What is the political principle that the Mayflower compact closely embraces? 

We, whose names are underwritten, … doe, by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politick, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enacte, constitute, and frame such just and equall laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices,

What is a Democracy/Republic/or Democratic Representation


Lord Baltimore established Maryland for what religious group?

What are Catholics.


What is the main idea in the following quote?

By establishing the colony of Georgia, many families, who would otherwise starve, will be provided for, and made masters of houses and lands; the people in Great Britain to whom these families were a burthen, will be relieved...

What is Georgia was established as a refuge for English debtors 


New York was formerly called .....

What is New Amsterdam 


What was the MAIN purpose of the Navigation Acts?

What is Taxation, Money to England, Reinforce Mercantilism 

Which two groups boarded the Mayflower in order to separate from the Anglican Church? (must name both!)

What are Puritans and Separatists 


The middle colonies are known as ... (hint: a type of edible basket).

What is the "Bread Basket".


Rich land owners saw him as a Traitor to Jamestown, while newly freed indentured servants saw him as a hero. 

Who is Nathaniel Bacon


This city is known as the city of "brotherly love."

What is Philadelphia


What immediate impact did English colonists most likely have on the physical environment of North America?

What is English Colonists cleared forests for farming

What were some of the MAIN forms of labor/wealth in the New England colonies? (Name 3 of the 4)

What are Ship builders, Lumber, Fishing, Shipping


The infograph shows what?

What is the decline of Native American populations due to disease. 


Why were most enslaved Africans in the Southern Colonies?

What is the Southern Colonies had large, labor intensive plantations and agriculture. 


Served master for 7 years as a laborer in return for land, apprenticeship, and passage to America is the definition for what term?

Indentured Servant / Indentured Contract

What was greatest influence on the development of regional economic identities?

What is Climate/Geography


What did the colonists in Jamestown first do according to the quote?

The first land they made men were assaulted by five Salvages [Savages, term for American Indians], who hurt two of the English very dangerously… Untill the 13 of May they sought a place to plant in, Now [fall] every man to work, to contrive the Fort, the rest cut downe trees to make place to pitch their Tents; some provide clapboard to reload the ships, some make gardens, some nets, etc.

—John Smith, June 15, 1607

What is build a fort, barriers, protection from attack, etc. 


Describe the beliefs of a Quaker. (Two characteristics needed)

Religiously tolerant, pacifist (non-combative), equality, respect for all humans to include Native Americans, anyone can experience God on their own (no need for a "pastor"), Pay Native Americans for land, etc.


Name the three legs of Triangle trade in the correct order.

1. Raw Goods; 

2. Finished Goods; 

3. Middle Passage (Slave Trade)


Explain why the French had a better relationship with Native Americans than did the English. Be Specific

What is the French established small temporary forts to collect furs and trade goods with Natives. They did not take Native American Lands like the English who farmed large planation's and established permanent  settlements. 
