What means
Where is the Amazon
South america
This morning I got up at quarter to five.
Heute morgen bin ich um 4.45 aufgestanden
Aufbau des Gerundiums
Form von be + Infinitiv des Verbs + -ing
The Big Ben is in London.
right or wrong?
Thats right
What means
Während usw.
Where is the Nile
I am next in line.
Ich bin der Nächste in der Reihe.
2. and 3. column of write
Wrote, written
I hope you have had a nice weekend
right or wrong?
Thats wrong we have to use the simpel past.
I hope you had a nice Weekend.
What means
beeinflussen, Wirkung, usw
Where is the ganges
I am being shown around the building now.
Ich werde jetzt durch das Gebäude geführt
There are 2 ways to talk about the futures, which ways I talk from
Will-Future and going to-Future
The statue of freedon is positioned in Washington
Right or wrong?
Thats wrong the statue of freedom is positioned in New York.
What means
Where is Bavaria
In Germany
It is a tradition to give each other presents at christmas.
Es ist eine Tradition sich an Weihnachten gegenseit zu beschenke.
What is happening when I use the third Perso singulary in present tense?
The verb is ending with a s
He/She/It das S muss mit
My Mother cut Tomatoes right now.
right or wrong?
Thats wrong
My Mother cuts Tomatoes right now.
What means
Where is Latvia
In Europe
If I had known it was my friends birthday, it wouldn’t have been embarrassing.
Wenn Ich gewusst hätte, das mein Freund Geburtstag hatte, wäre es nicht peinlich gewesen.
When I talk about my finger bleeds but it was in the past and the Finger is not bleeding now.
So the process ended. Which grammar topic I have to use?
I have to use present perfect.
In Great Britain Santa Clause will comes at the twenty fourth of December
how many mistakes are here
correct them.
In Great Britain santa clause will come on the twenty fifth of December