what are stars first made of?
Du er ond
You are evil
He murdered 80 million people and liked art.
This is a platform with alot of games and has blocky characters.
What is a moon?
a satellite
Obama var rigtig sej. Men jeg kan ikke lide hans ansigt. Og hans toilet er rigtig stor.
Obama was very cool. But I don't like his face. And his toilet is really big.
He invented christianity
This game is blocky and has a block named lodestone.
what is an exoplanet?
A planet around another star.
Hvornår må jeg gå hjem?
Aldrig i livet. Du skal blive her til 38 år efter din død.
Du er ond.
Nej jeg er ej.
When can I go home?
Never in a million years. You must stay here til 38 years after your death.
You are evil.
No I am not.
A viking king who introduced christianity to denmark.
Harald bluetooth
A popular space strategy game played by many people.
the red dwarf planet with chinese name, in the solar system.
i specialafdelingen
Næste gang fredag d. 21. feb.
i spisepausen og frikvarteret
vi mødes i holddelingsrummet fra kl. 11:30
medbring madpakker eller kom, når du har spist 🙂
Vi spiller brætspil og drikker te.
in the specialdepartment
Next time Friday 21 Feb.
during the meal break and recess
we meet in the team sharing room from 11:30 am
bring packed lunches or come after you've eaten 🙂 We play board games and drink tea.
The first king of saxony
Frederick Augustus
First video game in the world.
A planet with really large rings, 200 times bigger than saturn's rings. And also is a planet that doesn't truly exist.
Hvad er kommunikation?
Kommunikation består af et budksab, en afsender og en modtager, og kommikation foregår i en bestemt situation.
Budskabet: Hvad vil afsenderen fortælle?
Afsender: Hvem står bag kommunikationen?
modtager: Hvem er målgruppe for kommunikationen?
Situation: Der hvor kommunikationen foregår tid og sted.
What is communication? Communication consists of a message, a sender and a receiver, and communication takes place in a specific situation. The message: What does the sender want to say? Sender: Who is behind the communication? Receiver: Who is the target audience for the communication? Situation: Where the communication takes place time and place.
Who started the papal states?
Pepin the Short
What is the apparently "scariest" psycological game in the world? It is about war and nukes.