Point of View Vocabulary
Point of View Examples
Figurative Language
Figurative Language/ Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & Juliet 1
Romeo & Juliet 2
Romeo & Juliet 3

This refers to the perspective from which the story is told.

What is Point of View?


“Dudley's birthday - how could he have forgotten? Harry got slowly out of bed and started looking for socks. He found a pair under his bed and, after pulling a spider off one of them, put them on. Harry was used to spiders, because the cupboard under the stairs was full of them, and that was where he slept.” is told in what point of view?

What is third person limited?


A comparison between two unlike things without using the words like or as. It can also imply that something is something else.

What is a metaphor?


The dictionary definition or standard meaning of a word.

What is denotative meaning?


The Montagues and the Capulets.

Who are the two feuding families in Romeo and Juliet?


The writer of Romeo and Juliet.

Who is William Shakespeare?

This person worries that they are rushing into their relationship

Who is Juliet?


The story is told from someone outside the story.  This narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of one specific character.

What is third person limited?


“You are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this at this time of the morning. But here you are, and you cannot say that the terrain is entirely unfamiliar, although the details are fuzzy.” 

What is Second Person?


An exaggerated statement used to emphasize an idea or make a point.

What is hyperbole?


a meaning suggested or implied by the use of a particular word, beyond its literal meaning.

What is connotative meaning?


“I will bite my thumb at them” 

What is an insult?


They talk, they fall in love, and they kiss, all within the first few minutes of meeting. 

Who are Romeo and Juliet?


“And she steals love’s sweet bait from fearful hooks.”

What is an example of alliteration?


The story is told from someone outside the story.  This narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters.

What is Third Person Omniscient?

What time do we get out of school today?

When is 2:46?


An explicit comparison between two unlike things using a word such as like or as.

What is a simile?


The repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

What is alliteration? 


The Italian town of Verona Italy.

What is the setting of the play?


True or False: In Act II, Scene 1, Benvolio and Mercutio are looking for Juliet.

What is False?


Mercutio tells Romeo stories of Queen Mab to help him see that he shouldn’t take his dreams so seriously. Mentioning Queen Mab is an example of what type of figurative language?

What is an allusion?


One character tells the story from their point of view. The pronoun I is utilized.

What is First Person?


“‘Prim!” The strangled cry comes out of my throat, and my muscles begin to move again. ‘Prim!’ I don’t need to shove through the crowd. The other kids make way immediately, allowing me a straight path to the stage.  I reach her just as she is about to mount the steps.  With one sweep of my arm, I push her behind me. “I volunteer!” I gasp.  “I volunteer as tribute.”’

What is First Person?


Giving an idea, object, or animal human feelings, thoughts, attitude, or abilities.

What is personification? 


“That which we call a rose

 By any other name would smell as sweet.”

What is an example of a metaphor?


This person tells Romeo and his friends about the Capulet party.

Who is the Capulet's servant?


This part of the play is presented in Sonnet form.

What is the prologue?

Tybalt recognizes Romeo at the party.

What is his voice?


The reader is placed in the story.  The words you, and your are used to describe the reader.

What is second person?


“As the campers settled into their tents, Zara hoped her eyes did not betray her fear, and Lisa silently wished for the night to quickly end”

What is Third Person Omniscient? 


A play on words; sometimes on different meanings of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.

What is a pun?


“Parting is such sweet sorrow.”

What is an example of an oxymoron?


This person tries to stop a fight in Act 1, Scene 1.

Who is Prince Escalus?


He is the person who asks Lord Capulet for permission to court and marry his daughter in Act 1, Scene 2.

Who is Paris?


But Soft!  What light through yonder window breaks?

It is the east and Juliet is the sun.” The comparison is between two things.

What is Juliet and the sun?
