What is the meaning of -al?
Related to or characterized by
What is the meaning of a-?
Without or not
What is the meaning of reg?
Guide or rule
Before the innovation of cell phones people would send letters when trying to communicate with each other.
Peyton's large amount of tardies latley is highly irregular.
What is the meaning of -ion?
Act of/ state of/ result of
What is the meaning of ante-?
In front or before
What is the meaning of nov?
Mrs. Smith's approval was needed before the students could play on there phones
Your nose is on the anterior part of your head.
What is the meaning of -dom?
Condition of
What is the meaning of ab-?
From or away
What is the meaning of sci?
To know or learn
Jackson was absent from school on Monday, February 26th, 2024.
Due to the situation of the weather Parkers party was rescheduled
What is the meaning of psych?
Mind or soul
There is scientific evidence of vapes/E-cigarettes causing lung disease, heart disease, and cancer.
Sammy was apathetic when Grant got a speeding ticket.
The psychic predected that the class would pass the test will high remarks.
When Addison signed up for Netflix she agreed to its terms and conditions.