Central Idea/Summary
Chip grabbed a bagel on his way out the door. "See you this afternoon," he yelled to his dad, who was getting ready to go to work. "Got everything you need?" his dad asked. "Yep, it's all in here," Chip said, pointing to his backpack. "Good luck on that English test," his dad said. "I'll need it!" What detail supports the inference that Chip is going to school?
"'Good luck on that English test,' his dad said."
For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn. What can you infer about the situation? Explain your evidence.
You can infer the baby died/didn't make it in some way based on the evidence that it never got to wear its shoes.
What is the difference between direct characterization and indirect characterization? What does STEAL stand for?
Direct characterization is when the author or the narrator TELLS you about a character and indirect is when the author SHOWS you about a character (STEAL). S-Speech T-Thoughts E-Effect on others A-Actions L-Looks
Correct the sentence: I'm so hungry I could eat an appetizer an entree and an dessert. *3 mistakes
I'm so hungry I could eat an appetizer, an entree, and a dessert. *3 mistakes
What information do you need to infer a central idea from a text?
Supporting details
Belinda was delighted when her father drove past his favorite burger joint at lunch. At last he’s getting the message about how his diet affects his health, she thought. But just a few minutes later, she was disappointed when he used his cell phone to order a pepperoni pizza to be delivered soon after they got home. Which detail from the passage supports the inference that Belinda thinks her father's diet is not healthy?
At last he’s getting the message about how his diet affects his health, she thought.
Brought roses home. Keys didn't fit. What can you infer about the situation? Explain your evidence.
You can infer that they are a couple who are having problems or a fight and one person in the couple has been dumped/kicked out based on the evidence that the locks were changed.
INDIRECT: Kelly helps her siblings get ready for school and puts them on the bus DIRECT:
Kelly is nurturing, motherly, kind, caring...
Correct the sentence: My uncle joe went to wal-mart to get a peace of bread then he went to the gas station. *5 mistakes
My Uncle Joe went to Wal-Mart to get a piece of bread, then he went to the gas station.
What does it mean to summarize a text? What is an objective summary?
It means to describe the central idea, and the supporting details in shorter form (more concise and precise) than the original text. Objective summary means it has no opinions
Susan waited in line all day, even though it was the cold and it a national holiday. She was not the only one who did. Many people have waited for many hours before she even got here. She just had to get the door-buster deals. Make an inference about what specific event Susan is participating in....
Black Friday
"Passengers, this isn't your captain speaking." What can you infer about the situation? Explain your evidence.
The ship/plane/train has been taken over by pirates/terrorists and the evidence is that this is not the captain. It is hostage style situation.
INDIRECT: Larry starts pacing and sweating when he finds out it is his turn to present next. DIRECT:
Larry is nervous/a bad public speaker or nervous about public speaking.
Correct the sentence: the picky eater took it to far when she through her plate on the floor. *4 mistakes
The picky eater took it too far, when she threw her plate on the floor.
It's no surprise that exercise enhances energy. The physical challenge primes your body. Blood sugar is more readily converted to fuel. Greater amounts of oxygen are supplied to your cells. Fight-or-flight hormones are released. Instead of leaving you depleted, exercise invigorates. One way to get the body going is an early morning or late afternoon exercise routine. It's perfect for a pick-me-up. What is the central idea of this passage?
Exercise gives you energy.
Martin Scorsese is a director of astonishing power and Gangs of New York is a movie of astonishing imagination, ambition, and scope. The first fifteen minutes are as dazzling as any images ever put on screen. The rest of the movie veers from brilliant to flawed, but it is unfailingly arresting, provocative, and powerful. Make an inference about the viewers final opinion of the movie? Why?
She though the movie was excellent based on her adjectives.
"It's our fiftieth. Table for one." What can you infer about the situation? Explain your evidence.
You can infer that their spouse is dead based on the evidence that they are celebrating their wedding anniversary alone. You can also infer they are old based on the evidence that they are celebrating their 50th anniversary.
DIRECT: Meghan was a spoiled child. INDIRECT:
Answer depends... Meghan always get whatever she asked for, no matter the price...
Correct the sentence: Get over hear shouted the cop as he went to write down the license plate *6 mistakes
"Get over here!" shouted the cop, as he went to write down the license plate.
During World War I, many soldiers died because their wounds became infected. Antibiotics had not been discovered at that time. During World War II, many more soldiers died while in combat. Antibiotics are used to treat infections because they kill bacteria in the body. They are easily the most widely prescribed drug in the world. Which statement best supports the central idea of the passage? A. Antibiotics are used to treat infections. B. More World War II soldiers died while in combat. C. There were no antibiotics in World War I. D. Many World War I soldiers died from infections.
Sushi, the thousand-year-old Japanese delicacy, started small in the United States, in a handful of restaurants in big cities. Today, sushi consumption in America is 50% greater than it was ten years ago and not just in restaurants. Sushi is also sold at concession stands in sports stadiums, university dining halls, and in supermarkets throughout the country. What inferences can you make about american eaters from this passage?
They are becoming more open to trying/loving Sushi
Dad left; a flag came back. What can you infer about the situation? Explain your evidence.
You can infer the father went to war and died based on the evidence that a flag came back in his place which is what happens when a solider dies.
DIRECT: Terrance went above and beyond for people.
Answers vary.
Correct the sentence: The students clothes were dirty from there field trip to the art museum next year they are going to wear old clothes *6 mistakes
The students' clothes were dirty from their field trip to the art museum. Next year, they are going to wear old clothes.
Some people think that listening to country music is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Others would much rather jam out to hip-hop or rap music. And, of course, there will always be those who think rock music is king. Even though most people have the opportunity to listen to many types of music, they usually end up with a favorite. No one knows exactly why people have particular music tastes. Of course, the environment has something to do with it. If a girl’s big brother loves hip-hop, then she will often hear it. She may end up liking it, or she may end up hating it. People often say, “There is just no arguing taste.” In the case of music, this is definitely true. What detail from the paragraph supports the central idea that no one knows what causes a person's musical tastes?
"She may end up liking it, or she may end up hating it."