Elements of Language
Parallel Structure
Greek prefixes
Latin prefixes
Latin prefixes II

The boy threw the ball to the girl.

"The boy" is:
A) the subject
B) the direct object
C) the indirect object
D) the predicate

A) the subject


Fix this sentence to have parallel structure:

"My hobbies include bowling, cooking food for my family, to watch movies, and hanging with my friends."

"My hobbies include bowling, cooking food for my family, to watch movies, and hanging with my friends."

My hobbies include bowling, cooking food for my family, watching movies, and hanging with my friends.


en-, em-

in or into, to cause

employ, engage, enrapture, embodiment, empathy, emphasis


e-, ex-, exo-, ecto-

out, out of, out from

Examples: eject, erupt, exclude, exception, explain, exoskeleton, exotic, express...


de-, di- 

down from, away from

Examples: descend, deter, defer, delete, delay, digress, decouple, despair


The boy threw the ball to the girl.

"The ball" is:
A) the subject
B) the direct object
C) the predicate
D) the indirect object

B) the direct object


I love to bake cookies, preparing soups, and to make fresh salads.

I love to bake cookies, to prepare soups, and to make fresh salads.

-- OR --

I love baking cookies, preparing soups, making fresh salads.


endo-, ento-

within, inside of

Examples: endoscopy, endothermic, endocrine, endoskeleton, endocarditis


a-, ab-

away from, away, absent of

Examples: abnormal, abductor, asymmetrical, abhor, abolish, abdicate, abstract, abstain, absolve, abort 



through, thoroughly

Examples: permit, perspective, persist, permanent, perfect, person, perspiration


The boy threw the ball to the girl.

"The girl" is:
A) the subject
B) the direct object
C) the predicate
D) the indirect object

D) the indirect object


The novel was praised for its vivid descriptions, interesting plot, and how it develops characters.

The novel was praised for its vivid descriptions, interesting plot, and well-developed characters.



around or surrounding

Examples: perimeter, periodically, peripheral, periscope


for, forward, in front of

Examples: proceed, promote, progress, produce, provide, prolific, proclaim, procrastinate, pronoun


con-, com-, col-, cor-, co-

with, together

Examples: conference, contact, concur, communicate, commotion, compound, collateral, collaborate, collide, correlation, correct, cooperate, cohabitate, cohesive

"The ball was thrown to the girl by the boy."

This sentence has the same meaning as the prior examples, but this sentence is different because it is in ________________.

A) past tense
B) passive voice
C) subjunctive mood
D) second person

B) passive voice


The list of items were long and complicated.

The list of items was long and complicated.


amphi-, ambi-

both, on both sides

Examples: amphibious, amphitheater, ambiguous, ambivalent, ambidextrous, ambition


circa-, circum-

around, surrounding

Examples: circumference, circumnavigate, circuit, circle, circus, circumvent



outside of, beyond

Examples: extralegal, extramarital, extraterrestrial, extraordinary, extravagant, extradite

"I never had no problems." In Standard American English, this is grammatically incorrect because it has a double ___________.

A double negative.

Correct: "I never had any problems" or "I always had no problems."


The cake, along with the cookies, were baked for the party.

The cake, along with the cookies, was baked for the party.


1. micro- , 2. macro-, and 3. mega-

1. small/tiny, 2. big, and 3. huge

Examples: microcosm, microscope, microbiology, macroeconomics, macromolecule, megalomaniac, megabyte, megaphone, megalodon


di-, dis-, dys-

not, apart, reverse

Examples: disturb, dysfunctional, disinformation, disdain, dystopia, diligent, discriminate



back OR again

Examples: reflex, reverse, revoke, remove, recede, repel, reduce / reread, reiterate, recreate, redo, repeat, rejuvenate, reincarnate, redundant


You can express this tense three different ways.

Example: "I teach," "I am teaching," and "I do teach."

Present tense


"Stalactites and stalagmites are the famous 'icicle' mineral deposits found in caves that hang down from the ceiling and grow up from the floor, respectively."

What does 'respectively' mean here, and what does it imply?

"Respectively" means that items from two lists correspond to one another based on the sequence of each list.

Here, it means that stalactites hang from the ceiling and stalagmites grow from the floor.


hypo-   vs.   hyper-

less than normal, under, below   vs.   more than normal, above, over

Examples: hypocrite, hypoglycemic, hypothesis, hypotenuse  /  hyperbole, hyperventilate, hype, hyperactive, hyperextend, hypervigilant


super- vs. sub-

1. above, over  vs.  2. below, under

Examples: superior, supersonic, superlative, superb, submarine, substandard, subzero, substitute, subscribe, subpar


1. ante-  vs.  2. post- 

before  vs.  after

Examples: anteroom, ante-meridian (A.M.), antebellum, antecedent, anterior, posterior, postpone, postpartum, posthumous


The difference between simple, continuous, and perfect?

Simple = one single action ("I paint every day")
Continuous = ongoing unfinished action ("I have painted every day since I was 5")
Perfect = finished action ("I had painted the wall before you came and made a mess on it with crayons, Billy!")


The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should portion their meals, and to do some warm-up exercises before the game.

The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should portion their meals, and that they should do some warm-up exercises before the game.


hydro-  vs.  geo-  vs.  pyro-  vs.  aero-

water  vs.  earth  vs.  fire  vs.  air

Examples: hydroelectric, hydraulic, dehydrated / geology, geothermal, geography / pyromaniac, pyroclastic, pyrotechnics / aerodynamics, aeronautics, aerobic 


ac-, ad-, ag-, al-, app-, ar-, as-

towards, to

Examples: accordance, accrue, advertise, adopt, adore, agree, aggregate, align, allude, altruism, appraise, apply, arise, arraign, assign, assist, assuage


1. inter-  vs.  2. intra-  vs.  3. infra-

1. between/among  vs.  2. inside/within   vs.  3.  under

Examples: interpersonal, interested, intersection, internet, interpolate, interaction, interfere, interstate, interrupt, intercept, intracellular, intrinsic, intricate, infrared, infrastructure, inferior
