He (...) to read his favorite book before bed, and (...) it with him to dinner (like,carry)
likes, carries
a general truth
He (...) attention to me as I (...) the rules.
(Pay, explain)
(wasn't paying, was explaining)
both actions happening at the same time, unfinished
We (...) for my mother (...) she (...) some fruit at the grocery store.
(wait, buy)
were waiting, while, was buying
I (...) Mount Everest in 1988.
I (...) for the English section , can you help me?
am looking
We (...) to Neill's cafe every week, he (...) the best pancakes
(go, serve)
(go, serves)
general fact
I (...) with him at the moment, I (...) out because he is too messy. (live, move)
(I'm not living, moved)
happening in the present, finished action from the past
(...) I (...) at the right chapter right now?
(Am, looking)
Everyday Anna(...)her hair, but I (...) to save water this year. (wash, try)
washes, amtrying
They (...) down their bags at 9:00 Saturday morning while I (...) into class. (put, walk)
were putting, was walking
unfinished action
They (...) for the school newspaper this morning.
finished actions
He (...) for two hours, then (...) to rest.
(walk, stop)
(walked, stopped)
finished actions in the past
(...)your teacher (...) you alot of homework?
(give) Answer in positive
Does, give
Yes, she does.
(...) Jack (...), the telephone (...)
(sleep, rang)
While, was sleeping, rang
Last week he (...) where he was going, and yesterday at 6:00 he (...) his answer. (say, change)
said, was changing
The sun (...) in the west.
general truth
They usually(...) on Wednesday, but this week they(...) on a Friday.
(study, study)
study, they're studying
general fact, This week=present
They (...) their bikes to school this month.
aren't riding
(...) they (...) the park this week?
Answer in negative
Are, visiting
No they aren't
(..) he (...) his project last month?
Did, start
He (...) at the bank a year ago, now he (...) medicine.
(work, study)
worked, is studying
finished action in past, unfinished action still happening right now
I can't believe you (...) when I got home yesterday!
were cooking
past tense but unfished action
He (...) right now your honor! (...) you (...) attention?
(lie) (pay)
is lying, Are, paying
(...) I (...) in the shower when you (...) home last night after rush hour?
(sing, came)
Was, singing,came
(...)they (...) to eat ice-cream last summer?
(like) Answer in negative
Did, like
No they don't