Grammar and Punctuation
Sentence Structure
Essay Writing

You can use this punctuation mark in many ways. One way it can be used is to separate items in a series.

What is a comma?


This is a word that mean using language purposefully and effectively. 

What is rhetoric?


In the short story "Hills Like White Elephants" the American and the Girl are trying to make a decision about this.

What is abortion?


This is a group of words that has a subject, verb, and a complete thought.

What is a sentence?


This sentence normally states the writer's claim, and it is often included in the first paragraph. 

What is a thesis statement?


This punctuation mark shows that you are using someone's exact words.

What are quotation marks?


If you try to appeal to your audience through reputation or credibility your using this.

What is ethos?


In the essay "Walk on By" the author is concerned because many people seem to feel this way when they see him.

What is afraid or threatened? 


This is a type of sentence error with too much information (two or more subjects and verbs0, and it is not divided properly. 

What is a run-on sentence?


In this part of the essay the writer uses reasons and evidence to prove or explain the thesis statement.

What is the body?


This part of speech takes the place of a noun, and it can be the subject of a sentence.

What is a pronoun?


If you try to appeal to your audience through emotions, you're using this.

What is pathos?


In the story "Driving Away," the writer is struggling to maintain something, and she comes to see that her friend Nick is a threat to this.

What is sobriety?


This is a type of sentence error with either a subject or a verb, or a complete thought missing.

What is a sentence fragment?


This part of the essay often includes a "hook" to get the attention of the reader, and the thesis is normally stated here as well.

What is the introduction?


This punctuation mark can be used to connect two words and to allow two words to act as one word.

What is a hyphen?


If you try to appeal to your audience based on good, logical reasons, you're using this.

What is logos?


In the short story "Edison, New Jersey" the main character has a job delivering these?

What are pool tables or card tables?


This is a type of sentence error that has too much information (two or more subjects and verbs), and though this error does include a comma, more is needed to divide it properly. 

What is a comma splice?


This part of the essay may summarize main ideas from the paper, explain the significance of the paper, or leave the reader with a final point.

What is the conclusion?


This part of speech shows direction (to you), location (on stage), time (at noon), or it introduces an object.

What is a preposition?


This method of persuasion asks the reader to imagine how something will or will not be in the future.

What is predicting the consequences?


This happens to the female character at the end of the story "Barn Burning".

What is disappears? 


This type of sentence successfully combines two independent clauses into one sentence, often using a FANBOY and a comma to clearly connect the two ideas.

What is a compound sentence?


These short, but important, words help the reader move from one idea to another, and they add coherence and cohesion to the essay. 

What are transitions? 


This part of speech modifies nouns.

What is an adjective?


This method of persuasion includes the ideas of experts to support your claim.

What is referring to an authority?


If you are asking good questions and commenting thoughtfully on or about the text while reading, you are doing this?

What is reading critically?


This group of words has a subject, a verb, and can stand on its own.

What is an independent clause?


This type of argument was first developed more than 2,000 years ago in Greece by Aristotle.

What is Classical Argument?


This part of speech normally modifies verbs. 

What is an adverb?


This method of persuasion responds to possible critics of your claim.

What is answering the opposition?


In his essay "Corn-pone Opinions" Mark Twain claims that opinions are often based on self-approval and the approval of others, which leads people toward this attitude. 

What is conformity?


This group of words may or may not have a subject and a verb, but cannot stand on its own.

What is a dependent clause?


This technique is a way of saying that one thing is true but another idea is stronger or more important.

What is concession? 
