Writing Concepts 1
Writing Concepts 2
What are the three appeals? Define them...
Ethos- The appeal to credibility Logos- Appeal to logic Pathos- Appeal to emotion
Why is a thesis important?
It lets your readers know where you are going and it also lets you (the writer) know where your are going: a road map for your paper. It tells the reader what to expect. it is the point or reason for writing your paper in the first place. When a reader goes through your paper, your thesis helps them stay focused on your topic.
“the sound of the writer.”
What is "straw figure"
The arguer sets up a weak version of the opponent’s position and tries to score points by knocking it down. But just as being able to knock down a straw man (like a scarecrow) isn’t very impressive, defeating a watered-down version of your opponent’s argument isn’t very impressive either.
When is the final portfolio due?
Dec. 11
What are kairos and decorum? Define them...
An attempt to persuade with an appeal to timeliness & The suitable way of presenting something for a given circumstance.
Why is revision important?
Revising your papers helps you become a better writer. The best way to learn is to re-write. The process helps you improve your reading and you analytical skills.
What is a simile?
When two unlike things are compared using the phrases “like” or “as”
The arguer claims that a sort of chain reaction, usually ending in some dire consequence, will take place, but there’s really not enough evidence for that assumption. A causes B which causes C and ultimately causes D D is the worse thing ever so we should avoid A
Slippery Slope
My first car was a
1986 Nissan Stanza....
What are the four elements to rhetorical writing?
Your role as the writer Your audience The text The medium
What does a good thesis statement have?
Has a specific purpose Should be easy to identify Stands out and is easily interpreted It should be in your first paragraph and is usually the last sentence in your first paragraph. Be aware that your thesis can change depending on your revisions of your paper, and that is alright.
Why do we use metaphors?
They enliven ordinary language. They are generous to readers and listeners; they encourage interpretation. They are more efficient and economical than ordinary language; they give maximum meaning with a minimum of words. They create new meanings; they allow you to write about feelings, thoughts, things, experiences, etc., for which there are no easy words; they are necessary.
My class is awesome! Why? Because my class is awesome! No other proof needed!
Begging the question
The best superhero ever is
Batman! Yeah Batman!
What is the rhetorical triangle?
It is someone (sender) saying something (the message/text) to somebody (the audience/receiver(s))
What are some tips for revision?
Give yourself time to revise (wait a while between each drafts) Print a hardcopy of your paper Read your paper out loud Think about the bigger issues of the paper (forget commas for now) Get a second reader and be a second reader (peer-review)
Why use first person in writing?
You are more assertive, clear, and you position yourself in the the essay.
“My roommate said her English class was hard, and the one I’m in is hard, too. All English classes must be hard!”
Hasty generalization
Who is Erim Gomez
The guest lecturer!
Rhetoric deals with more than just persuasion
Rhetoric is also any situation in which people consciously communicate with each other. Rhetoric is the set of methods people use to identify with each other—to encourage each other to understand things from one another’s perspectives - Burke
A>>>> C <<<
What are the two common mistakes when using statistics?
Confusing correlation with causation and Ignoring the margin of error
After Sally presents an eloquent and compelling case for a more equitable taxation system, Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything from a woman who isn't married, was once arrested, and smells a bit weird.
Ad hominem (attacking someone's character)
What video game shows up the most in my background?
Dark Souls