Wrote about the communication barriers her mother faced as an immigrant.
Who is Amy Tan?
Represents the message, meaning logic.
What is logos?
Puts two or more authors in direct conversation with each other by finding shared commonalities.
What is synthesis?
We used the rhetorical triangle to frame our writing when we practiced composing this type of letter.
What is a cover letter?
The format of an in-text citation in MLA format.
What is last name, then page number?
Gave a TedTalk sharing her experience with stereotypes and single stories.
Who is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie?
Represented by pathos in the rhetorical triangle.
What is the audience?
The retelling of a passage from a text in your own words.
What is paraphrasing?
You completed three of these throughout the semester during class.
What are peer reviews?
Involves sharing writing with another for feedback.
What is peer review?
The author of our class textbook, Focus on Writing.
Who is Laurie McMillan
Refers collectively to ethos, pathos, and logos.
What are the Rhetorical Appeals?
The blending of two forms of speech together.
What is code-meshing?
We compared themes between [BLANK] to practice methods of synthesizing ideas.
What are Disney Movies?
The three steps in the revision process, in order.
What is revising, editing, and proofreading?
We read texts from these two authors, that were written in direct conversation with each other, as a way of analyzing multiple perspectives.
Who are Stanley Fish and Vershawn Ashanti Young?
The reality of the situation that prompts communication.
What is exigence?
Community-specific slang or terminology.
What is lexis?
We analyzed these documents in order to practice recognizing the rhetorical situation.
What are memes?
Includes agrees, concurs, disputes, and contradicts.
What are synthesis words?
Wrote, "What joins all languages, and all men, is the necessity to confront life, in order, not inconceivably, to outwit death: The price for this is the acceptance, and achievement, of one's temporal identity."
Who is James Baldwin?
Kairos, meaning timing, represents this in the Rhetorical Situation.
What is context?
A form of writing that is more complex and often involves more serious communication.
What is high-stakes writing?
We researched and compared these online as a way of practicing the synthesis of multiple perspectives.
What are product reviews?
Author A thinks X. Author B agrees/disagrees/expands on this, and says Y.
What is the base formula for synthesis?