How many feet would there be in one line of iambic monometer?
Fill in the blank on the poem title by Robert Frost.
Nothing ____ Can Stay
Name the type of rhyme used in the following lines:
Though the game ended in a tie
The coach looked sharp in his tie
What state was seen as a land of opportunity during the Great Depression?
Comprised of either two or three syllables, what is the smallest unit of poetry?
A foot
How many feet would there be in two lines of trochic trimeter?
What number is the name of a poem by e.e. cummings about how time interrupts our lives?
Name the type of rhyme used in the following lines:
Why will Kayle never bake
Mr. Rome an apple cake
Direct end rhyme
What term is given to workers, often farm workers, who travel from job to job as seasons and opportunities change?
Migrant workers
Comprised of at least one foot, what term in poetry is equivalent to a sentence in prose?
How many feet would there be in four lines of anapestic tetrameter?
What poem bv Langston Hughes is a response to Walt Whitman's "I Sing America"?
"I, Too"
Name the type of rhyme used in the following lines:
When I am out of hope
I go to the grove
What happens outside of Reverend Parris's house in The Crucible that makes him work hard to get John Proctor's confession?
A dagger falls on his porch.
In poetry, what term is given to a formal grouping of lines?
How many feet would there be in three lines of dactylic dimeter?
Fill in the blank on the poem title by e.e. cummings:
______ Lived in a Pretty How Town
Please never speak
When I am on break
What term referred to the idea during The Red Scare where innocent people secretly had their lives and careers ruined after being accused?
What poet wrote "Acquainted with the Night" and "Stopping by Woods"?
Robert Frost
How many feet would there be in ten lines of pyrrhic octameter?
What poem by Robert Frost makes fun of the old saying "Good fences make good neighbors"?
I looked out a window
Only to see another window
What poem explores the tragic death of a high-born woman after she is chilled by a cold wind?
"Annabel Lee"