Logical Fallacies
Thesis and Outlining
Literary Analysis
Revising and Editing

Common errors in thinking that can weaken an argument is called:

Logical Fallacies


The main idea that you are arguing in an essay is called:

Thesis statement

What is literary analysis?

literary analysis essay is to carefully examine and evaluate a work of literature, or an aspect of a work of literature. 


When you review your main idea or the "big picture" it is called



Where does the work of other's go in your essay

In the "Works Cited" page at the end


Name what is ethos, pathos, logos

Logos: The argument's logical soundness.
Ethos: The credibility and trustworthiness of the speaker/writer.
Pathos: The ability to connect with the audience on shared values and emotions.


Describe the outline of the introduction paragraph

Hook, Background & Context, then Thesis Statement


What is this an example of?

"As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky transformed into a canvas of deep purples and fiery oranges. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the ancient oak trees, their gnarled branches reaching out like welcoming arms "



Editing is ....

the way you express the ideas by checking grammar, punctuation, ect. 


To avoid plagarism, you need to

cite Any of their work! (image, quote, work)


Rhetorical Analysis is:

RHETORIC is the art of persuasion. Every time we write, we engage in debate or argument. 

Rhetorical analysis is the studying an arguement


Name the "PIE" structure in a paragraph

P- Point. (Topic Sentence)

I- Information

E- Explanation

Making a reference to another person's work is called an


Every  body paragraph should

Support the Thesis. (Idea Development)


Explain the "Quote Sandwich"

Introduce it

Quote it

Explain it


"Eric's claim about coffee being a bad drink for you is invalid because he does know anything"

Why is this a bad arguement

They are attacking the person and not the argument. 


A strong thesis statement: 

- is an arguable opinion and be backed up by evidence

- should be the main central idea of the essay

- usually the last sentence of introduction paragraph


What are some things we can analysis in a literary analysis?

Imagery, Themes, Character arcs, figuartive language. 


What is unity in an essay?

Making sure all your main points relate to your main point.


On page 8, Conrad’s narrator in Heart of Darkness describes the scene: “Flames glided [...] hastily.” 

WORKS CITED Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Penguin Classics, 2007. ---. The Secret Sharer. Random House, 2003.

Conrad’s narrator in Heart of Darkness describes the scene: “Flames glided in on the river, small green flames, red flames, white flames, pursuing, overtaking, joining, crossing each other--then separating slowly or hastily” (8).


"If drinking tea helps me with my cough, then it must cure all other diseases!"

What is wrong with this argument? (Extra 10000 points if you can say the exact name of the logical appeal)

Hasty Generalization:The argument is jumping to conclusions based on an unrepresentative sample or insufficient evidence.


What is Spatial Order in an essay?

To help readers visualize something as you want them to see it; To create a main impression using the senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, and


What is the theme of this short story?

As the storm raged outside, Emma and her brother, Ben, huddled together under a fort of blankets, sharing secrets and laughter. Their mother’s warm voice floated in from the kitchen, reminding them that no matter how fierce the winds blew, they were safe as long as they were together. In that moment, surrounded by love and laughter, Emma realized that family was the shelter that weathered any storm.


Or any other


Put these in order:

-Audience Thesis

-Sentences and Words

- Purpose

-Idea Development

-Topic Sentences Order 

1. Purpose

2. Audience Thesis

3. Topic Sentence Order

4. Idea Development

5. Sentences and Words


The Modern Language Association advises that “[t]he curriculum of [...] course” (5).

 WORK CITED Report to the Teagle Foundation on the Undergraduate Major in Language and Literature. Modern Language Association, Feb. 2009, www.mla.org/content/download/3207/81182/2008_mla_whitepaper.pdf.

The Modern Language Association advises that “[t]he curriculum of a major should present an integrated, progressive course of study with articulated goals for each course” ( Report 5)
